Blood to Darkness

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Claire calls the boys away for something and Owen leaves shortly after to find Barry leaving me alone with my girls. I sit on the floor and pet Charlie and Echo until I hear someone walk into the cages area that I am in. I stand and turnt o see Zach and I completely alone.

"Hi." I say, keeping eye contact with him.

"Hey." He says, taking a step closer to me. "Are you okay?" He asks and I just shake my head. I look at the raptors and bring a hand to my mouth to keep from letting out a whimper.

"Hey come here." Zach says when he sees this. I instantly react and move closer to him. Pressing my body into his chest as he brings his arms around me.

"I'm sorry this is all happening. You wouldn't be involved in all of this had you not met me and if you just stayed with Zara." I say into his chest and he pulls away, forcing me to look at him.

"None of this is your fault. And I would do this all over again if it meant that I got to meet you Harlow. You are amazing." He says and I smile at his words. I lift one of my hands to the side of his face and just stare into his eyes.

"I really like you Zach. Like more than I can even comprehend." I whisper and I can see the surprise on his face at my words.

"I really like you to Lo. I have never felt this way about someone even though we just met." He replies and I don't have time to react because he closes the gap between us by crashing his lips to mine. We move in sync and it feels like it is my first kiss, one that's so pure and magical that it makes my heart flutter. I hold onto Zach for dear life, hoping the contact never ends. When we finally pull away, I keep my eyes closed as I rest my forehead on his. He chuckles making me laugh as well even though there is nothing funny.

"I have been wanting to do that for a while now." Zach whispers and in response I move my hand to the back of his neck and I pull his lips back to mine again.

"OOOOO!" We hear Gray yell from outside of the cage and we both instantly pull away to reveal an excited Gray looking at us and an beyond irritated Owen staring darkly at Zach. Claire is trying to hide the smile peeking out onto her lips and the only thing I can think to do is hide my face in Zachs t-shirt.

"Enough of this. Come on Harlow we have to get your earpiece set up so you can communicate with your girls. You are not coming with us into the field. I refuse and that is the end of that discussion." Owen states and I look at him and simply nod in agreeance. He is surprised by my response and my lack of arguing but when he looks down at my hand that is intertwined with Zachs he rolls his eyes to himself and assumes it's so I can stay by him. Which is true.

After my earpiece is set up, Claire takes us to a truck and opens the back doors.

"See perfectly safe. Hop in." She says with a smile and Gray is the first to get in with Zach and I following shortly. There were only two seats, one of which was already taken by Gray and Zach and I looked at each other questioningly. Zach smirks at me as he sits down in the last seat and pats his lap, telling me to join him in his seat. I reluctantly sit on his legs and he wraps and arm around my waist pulling me close to him. Gray gives us a smile of approval before looking into the front seat where Claire is. I rested my head on Zachs shoulder and if I wanted to I could easily fall asleep. Zach had his head resting on top of mine and I felt the most comfortable I have even been in a long time.

"Buckle your seatbelts." Claire says back to us and we all just look at each other as if to say 'there are none'. Claire catches on. "Just hold hands." She adds and I laugh as Gay hold his hand out. I take it with my own and he smiles at me with a thank you look on his face.

"Harlow do you read me?" A voice comes through my earpiece and I immediately stand up and move to where the doors of the truck are.

"Yes I copy. Are you about ready to go?" I say into the earpiece.

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