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The next place I had planned to take the boys to was to the T-Rex exhibit. I have not seen Max in so long. Claire found out I blew off work one day and snuck into her exhibit hall after hours to just chill and see what Max was up to and since that day, she banned me from seeing Max even during public hours when I was on my break. How rude. So to say I was excited to see Maxy again is an understatement.

"Where are we going?!" Gray asks looking up at me and I ruffle his hair with my hand as I direct us to Max.

"We are going to see an old friend of mine." I state and point to the big sign that says T-Rex.

"No way! The T-Rex!" Gray shrieks and I pull them both to the back of the exhibit where the employees only entrance door was. Zara was again nowhere to be seen after we ditched her at the Mosasaurus show and I was more than ecstatic to say the least.

I scan my ID on the panel and it blinks red. Claire must still have my name on the no entry list from when I was grounded from Max.

"Wow, someone has no access." Zach says unimpressed and I roll my eyes as I look up for a security camera.

When I spot the camera I wave my arms in front of it so I catch the motion sensor and it sends a notification to the control room. I know Lowery is working today thank god.

"Lowrey. Let me in." I state and the camera moves quickly from side to side as if to say no. Damn it Lowrey. Now he was just messing with me. I turn around to face Gray who is staring up at me with a confused face and I turn him around so he is facing the bushes and his back is to me. I smile at this then face the camera again and I flip it off with both my hands. Zach laughs at me but then the door clicks green.

"Thanks Lowrey!" I say to the camera and go to open the door.

Inside is a secret viewing room near the back of Max's cage. Max likes to hang at the back where the small pond is so it always has the best view. It's also quiet and there are no squealing children to ruin the moment of watching the dinosaurs.

"This is Max." I say happily as I see that she is exactly where I wanted her to be. We have a full view of her as she is currently laying on the ground of her cage.

"Woah!" Gray yells as he runs up to the glass and peers down at Max. He immediately pulls his camera out and begins to record pictures for the memory. Max looks so peaceful when she isn't putting on a feeding show, if only us humans had just left her alone but no. We needed to make money off of her existence.

Zach stands a little behind me as I stare into the cage with the same awe as Gray even though Max and I have seen each other plenty of times. Zach was watching my every move with a small smile on his lips and a look of yearning in his eyes.

"This is pretty cool." Zach interrupts my thoughts and I jump slightly startled by the voice so close to me. I pull my eyes away from Max and stare at Zachs eyes.

"Um, ya Max is pretty cool." I say unsure of how exactly to respond and blushing slightly from his close proximity to me.

"I meant you, and like getting to work here." He says and I look down at my shoes suddenly feeling shy from all the eye contact for some reason.

"Oh, I guess it's pretty cool. I mean I love it, but don't tell Claire that. She will start expecting more from me and I don't need that." I say, gaining my confidence back and he laughs making me smile. His laugh is so gentle, the sound so pleasant in my ears. I look back up at him and we end up staring at each other in a comfortable silence for a few seconds before he speaks.

"Whats next?" Zach asks and I then direct us to the baby dino riding section of the park for kids like Gray, all while trying to get the weird feeling I get from being around Zach to leave my body. It is extremely crowded so Zach and I stayed back from the crowd while Gray ran to the center of the children to participate in the activities.

The Raptor's Alpha  (Zach Mitchell X OC)Where stories live. Discover now