You Look Good as Alpha

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"Can yall have eye sex later?" He states and my eyes widen at the statement. My hand absentmindedly moves to press into Zach's chest and he looks down with a blush rising on his cheeks and the tips of his ears. I use the end of my gun to hit Owen in a warning and he just gives me a slight glare, disapproving of whatever is going on between Zach and I. With my hand still pressed into Zach's chest, I look to the ground and kick at the air to distract myself from the embarrassment.

Not long after, we were in a jeep and headed to the employee only area to try to get to Lowrey. I was driving and unfortunately for me, right when I was about to turn down the path we needed to use to get to Lowrey, a herd of people began running towards us. I quickly put the car in reverse and slammed my foot into the gas, sending the car flying back. I could feel Zach's hand on my shoulder in an encouraging gesture as I glanced back to make sure we didn't crash into anyone. I see a small parking spot opening in this blocked off area and decide that's my best option. Claire calls Lowrey to tell him we are trying to get to him when he mention something about raptors.

"He wants to use the raptors as trackers?" Claire asks out loud into the phone and I swerve the car and turn the wheel as tight as I can making us glide into the spot. When I do so successfully it is a short lived moment of success as I listened to what Claire had said. Fucking Hoskins.

"Son of a bitch." Owen sneers.

"That bastard." I say at the same time. Owen gives me a pat on the shoulder to tell me I did good with the driving and I nod stiffly unable to think of anything other than Echo and Charlie being used for this whole shit show.

"Owen, switch with me. You know I hate driving." I say quietly and he gladly switches. I moved to the back so I would be closer to Zach, for some reason I felt safer when close to him. The second I sat in the back, Zach wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close to him.

Zach leans forward towards the driver and passenger seats before talking. "Can we stay with you?" He asks.

"Of course, I am never leaving you guys again." Claire responds with a small smile as she looks back at her two nephews.

"No no, him." Gray states "and Harlow." This makes Claire show a look of disappointment but Owen just smirks as he maneuvers the car in the direction of the raptor paddock.

"Ya definitely Harlow and Owen." Zach adds and I cant conceal the laugh that leaves my lips.

The closer we got to the raptor paddock the more angry I got. Hoskins really ruins everything. Zach could sense this and held onto me tighter. I clench my eyes shut trying not to let my anger get to me but when I feel the car stop, signalling that we were at the paddock, I opened my eyes and jumped out of the car as fast as I could. I could hear Owen and Claire following behind me.

"The mother hens have arrived. Harlow you are looking good, as always. I have Echo and Charlie all charged up." Hoskin states with a proud smirk on his lips as he walks over to where we were. When he was in arms reach I pulled my arm back and sent my fist to the side of his face as hard as I could. When he is about to fall over I grip onto the collar of his shirt and bring his face close to mine. Some blood pooling at his lips from my punch makes me almost smile but I am too angry to show it.

"How dare you!" I yell in his face. I am about to hit him again when I feel strong arms wrap around me and lift me from the ground, pulling me off of Hoskins. Owen. Instead of fighting with him over this I just make my way back to the jeep where Zach and Gray are still seated. When Zach sees me walking over he hops out of the car with Gray in tow.

"That was a good punch." Gray says to try and lighten the mood when he sees that I am clearly about to lose my mind. Zach tries to calm me by grabbing my face with his hands and staring at me. I am breathing heavily as I stare into his eyes but the longer I watch his face the more even my breathing gets. He moves to holding my arms down and wrapping his around me in a tight embrace.

"We are going to figure this out Lo." He whispers to me and something about his body heat and his voice makes my nerves stop spazzing in my head.

"Hey hot stuff! Get over here." Hoskins yells directing his comment at me. I reluctantly pull away from Zach and turn to face Owen and Hoskins.

"This is happening with or without you two." Hoskins states pointing between Owen and I then he walks off. Owen looks at me and we share a look. I know he is considering Hoskins buy the look in his eyes.

"Are you joking O?" I say in disbelief that Owen would even consider helping.

"Har, they only listen to us, if they are going to use them no matter what they need some who can control them. Without us they will just eat whoever is with them." Owen say trying to explain himself to me.

"I don't mind letting the raptors have a buffet. It's just InGen people. Serves them right." I state and Owen gives me a look of concern at the darkness of my comment. I just shrug because deep down I know he is right.

"Fuck you....."I say rubbing my face with my hands. "Fine." I add and walk towards where the soldiers are preparing a plan. Claire, Zach, and Gray stay back but Owen follows me to the tent.

When we enter, all eyes move to us. Hoskins smirks knowing he got us on board with the plan.

"If we do this, we do this our way." Owen states and I push a soldier out of the way aggressively so I can see the map. I get a few weird look but I am in no mood to mess around so I give a cold blank face to the men around the table.

"We know she is in sector 5, this is a scent drill, we have run this a thousand times. When the raptors get on target and they will get on target, wait for mine or Owen's signal." I explain.

"Raptors are pack hunters, they like to trap their victims in a kill zone before they strike. That's when we take our shot. We get one shot at this." Owen adds.

"so don't fuck it up." I state and a soldier across the table chuckles.

"Are we really taking orders from a kid? Is she kidding?" He says and owen sighs knowing that I am beyond pissed at this point.

I reach behind me and grab the pistol that I had in my belt and point it at the soldier that laughed.

"Did I sound like I was kidding?" I state coldly clicking the safety off of the gun. "I don't know about you but I am not in the mood for jokes." I add keeping my eyes locked on the soldier. I can see Hoskins smirking behind him and I am tempted to just shoot Hoskins right now.

"Har not now, not here." Owen says and puts an arm on my arm pushing it down so the gun is no longer pointed at the now scared soldier.

"Don't touch our raptors, don't talk to them, and don't kill them or I will kill you." I say smugly, putting the pistol in my belt again before leaving the room. I immediately walk over to where Barry is with the raptors, getting the cameras all set up. Owen comes up shortly after and he checks up on Blue and Delta while I sit with Echo and Charlie. I hear people approaching the cage and I turn around to see Zach and Gray. I send a small smile to Zach which he returns and it makes me look away as my smile gets wider.

"Are they safe?" Gray asks on the other side of the bars.

"No." I simply reply while my eyes are trained on Charlie. I can tell the raptors are stressed about this as well.

"What are their names?" Gray asks again, clearly amazed and interested in the four carnivores.

"That's Echo, Charlie, Delta, and this is Blue. She is the beta." Owen replies as he runs a hand over Blues snout.

"Wait so who is the alpha?" Zach asks, his interest peaked. Owen walks over to the two boys.

"You are looking at them kid." He proudly says with a smirk as he points between myself and him. I laugh at his comment. Zach has his eye trained on me with amazement clouding his vision. When I catch him staring he quickly moves to look at the raptors like nothing happened. Zach cant help but think how attractive it is that Harlow is the alpha of a pack of raptors.

"You look good as alpha." Zach states not even realizing he said it. I look at him with a small smile and blush rising to my cheeks at his words. He looks embarrassed and it makes me grin even more.

I can hear Owen say something along the lines of "Be careful where you step kid." To Zch but I chose to pretend that i didn thear it. Owen really needs to stop with the whole protective brother act he has going on. It's such a cock block.

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