400 Meters to Beacon

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"Both of yall turn away from the cage, you don't want to watch." I shout to both Zach and Gray as I run back to the control panel. I see that someone from the inside of the cage opened the main door and I instantly try to close it but the control pad doesn't seem to want to work. When I finally get the door to start to close I realize it's too late when the Indominus crashes through the cement. The loud crash makes me fall back onto the floor as the glass windows shatter making us vulnerable to the Rex.

"Get back on the wall." I yell as I run back to where the boys are. Zach runs close to me and pulls me away from the broken glass. We are all huddled together and crouched under a shelf that is filled with tools and random mechanic stuff for repairs. I see that Indominus has turned around and started to look where the three of us are and I see Gray open his mouth to scream but I quickly press my hand into his mouth to keep him from screaming. I turn my back to the cage as I hear the I-Rex poke her head into the room and the glass shuffles where she is looking in. My breath quickens and I stare at Zach who is staring at me, refusing to look back where the I-Rex is. My arms wrap protectively around the two boys as they both have evident fear in their eyes. I look up and see a can of motor oil sitting on the shelf, I slowly move my hand up and tip the can over making it pour over us to hide our scent. The I-Rex heard our movements and I could feel her breathing on my back, her snout brushing against my shirt. I clench my eyes shut and hope to god that this thing moves on. I still don't know if Owen made it out okay or not. I take in a sharp breath.

"Don't move." I whisper and open my eyes to see them both looking directly at me with fearful eyes. I can see the relief fall over the two of them when the I-Rex leaves and walks in a different direction. I let out a deep breath and turn to Gray.

"Are you okay? We are okay." I say to him and he nods with tears in his eyes. I pull him into a hug and grip onto him tight. When I let go I can tell he already feels slightly better. I turn to Zach and grab his face in my hands.

"Are you okay?" I ask concern written all over my face.

"I'm fine, are you okay Lo?" He asks with furrowed eyebrows and I nod then let go out him. He grips my hands in his own and squeezes to try and calm me down. I turn out towards the cage and see Owen laying under a car and looking over where we are. Thank god he is alive. He sees me and begins moving but I hold my hand up to stop him as I see the I-Rex still sorta close to him. When the I-Rex leaves the area and runs into the trees I grab Zach and Grays hands and run out down to where Owen is.

"Owen!" I shout as he slides out from under the car and stands. I run over to him and jump into him for a much needed hug. He grips onto me tightly and holds my head with one of his hands and I know he is just as happy to see me okay as I am to see him okay.

"Are you okay Har?" He asks with a shaky voice that I have only ever heard one other time in the many years I have known Owen.

"Im okay. We are okay." I state and he releases me. I immediately move towards Zach who goes to grab for my hand which I gladly accept. Owen glances down at our hands and gives me a look of disgust which I ignore, we have bigger things to worry about.

"We need to go find Claire immediately because what the hell." I say and Owen nods before gesturing for us to join him in the jeep. Gray is glued to my side and keeps glancing at the trees as if the I-Rex is coming back. I use my free arm that isn't latched onto Zach to wrap around Gray and I can feel him relax slightly from the touch. I usher him to the front seat and I join Zach in the back just like earlier today. Zach goes to remove his hand when we are seated but I look at him with slightly pleading eyes.

"Please?" I say holding my hand out and Zach smiles at me and he not only grabs my hand but moves a seat over so that he is right next to me. I move my hand to hold his arm and I put my head on his shoulder as I let everything that just happened sink in. Claire created a monster and said monster is now out in the park running loose. My main goal is making sure everyone in this car right now stays safe. Zach puts a hand on my leg and squeezes for comfort and I melt into his touch once again. I lift my head to face him and see that he is already staring down at me. Our faces are inches apart as we stare into each other's eyes. My arms holding his and his holding me. It takes just about everything in my being to keep from closing the gap between us. My eyes drift to his lips and then back to his eyes which were now trained on my lips. It seems he wants to close the gap just as much as I want to.

Owen coughs loudly from the front seat making Zach and I both snap our heads in his direction. I see Owen staring at us disapprovingly through the mirror. I lower my gaze to Zachs hands and play with his fingers as I wait for us to arrive at the control center.

"It's going to be okay." Zach whispers into my ear quickly, aware of the peering eyes that Owen has on us. I snuggle into his side more at the words finding comfort in his voice.

"I'm really glad I met you by the way." I mumble and Zach smiles at this then hides his head in my hair. Placing his face in the crook of my neck making me laugh lightly. We sit in silence, our shared warmth bringing both of us comfort. The car jolts forward when Owen slams on the brakes and I know we are at the control center. It is across the park on the opposite end of the public attractions in case an issue comes up where one side of Isla Nublar is compromised. We all stagger out of the car and rush into the building, hopping into an elevator. I can tell Owen is fuming and I am angry as well, all I can think is what have they done. Zach hold tightly onto my arm, sensing my unease and frustration.

When the elevator opens I am the first one to step out just to be pushed back by a guard.

'You can't be in here Miss." He states in a deep voice and I roll my eyes and push him off of me. I don't have time for this, I need to speak with Claire and get the park evacuated before more people die. I can see on the big screen that there are cameras set up following two squad cars and I immediately know that they have sent out a team to track down the indominus and get it under control.

"What the hell happened in there Claire!?" I yell, raising my voice and Owen pushes into the room as well with both Zach and Gray. I move towards Claire but Owen grabs hold of me just in time to make sure I don't hit Claire. Everyone in the room had their eyes trained on me and my pissed off state. I am being held back by Owen at the back of the room and I want more than anything to walk up to Claire and slap her. How could they let something like this happen!

"There are thermal cameras all over that paddock. She did not just disappear." Owen replies angry but way more calm than I was. He lets go of me when he thinks I am no longer a threat to the other people in the room. I stay still with Zach holding my hand and intertwining our fingers. I feel more relaxed by the gesture as I watch Owen walk over to where Claire stands.

"It must have been a technical problem." Claire states trying to dismiss Owen's concerns.

"She scratched up that wall on purpose as a distraction. She wanted us to think she got out." Owen tries to explain even though I can tell that he is letting his anger get to him, pretty soon he is going to be yelling that's for sure. He only ever gets this way with me and Hoskins.

"This is an animal we are talking about." Claire says rolling her eyes and I can't help but respond to her.

"A highly intelligent animal. And might I add that you are also an animal Miss Dearing. A mammal to be exact you dumbass." I practically growl and she gives me a tense and on edge look. I can tell even she is unsure about how to feel with this whole thing.

"400 meter to the beacon." A worker at the desk says as they track where the team is at in regard to the Indominus' tracker. I snap my head in the direction of the screen and can see the weapons they are holding as they walk through the foliage. Non lethals.

"You are going after her with non lethals?!?!" I almost yell pointing to the screen with wide eyes. How stupid can these people get, I mean really.

"We have 26 million dollars in that asset, we can't just throw it all away." Mr. Masrani states who is the owner of this mess of a situation.

"First of all I dont care who the fuck you are, if one more person calls these animals an asset I will kill someone and secondly, you are a fucking idiot if you think that your measly 26 million dollars of a monster is more important than the lives of the people in this park. You are greatly mistaken if you think you can simply tranq this beast. Third of all-" I begin to rant before Owen clamps a hand over my mouth to get me to shut up even though he agrees with every word that leave my mouth.

"These men are all going to die." Owen states loud and clear, making an odd and dark feeling fill the room.

"300 meter to the beacon." The same worker states and Owen removes his hand from my mouth and moves to the front of the room again. Zach holds me back still, his fingers holding tightly onto my hand and his other arm wrapped around Gray keeping his eyes away from the screen in case this all goes to hell, which it will.

"Call it off, you need to call the mission off right now!" I yell again.

"Right on the beacon."

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