Heat Signature

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"Pick it up Har." Barry calls from behind Owen as he leans on the jeeps.

"NO!" I shout to Barry who shakes his head at me.

"Why do you even have a phone if you never answer it?" Owen asks and I pull my phone out and pick it up.

"Claire! So good to talk to you darling!" I say excitedly into the phone.

"Harlow, you have really been getting on my nerves." Claire states and I almost feel bad for giving Claire a hard time.

"Look even though I said no, your boys ended up at my paddock so I am just going to give you to Owen okay?" I say and without waiting for a response I throw the phone to Owen without a warning.

"She really wants to talk to you." I say to him sarcastically and he rolls his eyes at my childish antics.

"Why do you not want to spend time with me?" Zach says faking being hurt by putting a hand on his heart as Owen talks to Claire.

"You seem to have gotten cocky after I finally started to like you yesterday." I say playfully while Gray watches the two of us stare at each other with a small smile on his face.

"Hey I'm just messing with you, you did call me cute so I have some leverage here." Zach responds back and it makes me smile as I look to the ground and kick at some dirt. Owen comes up to us and eyes both me and Zach back and forth before telling us what Claire wanted.

"Get out of the cage, we have an 'asset' to inspect. Masrani wants us both to take a look at it and Claire thought it would be fun for Zach and Gray to get to see a sneak peek of the new attraction." Owen states and I reluctantly leave the cage.

"I hate when she calls them assets." I mumble and Owen frowns at me knowing that it really bothers me when these living creatures are just seen as money makers rather than living and breathing things who just want to live in peace and survive.

"I know Lo." Owen says and puts an arm over my shoulders. I smile at the gesture and it's like all the irritation I had towards him goes away.

"Sorry for being a bitch." I mumble and Owen laughs.

'No you're not." He states and now it's my turn to laugh. "Everyone to the car!" Owen shouts and the boys and me run to the jeep. Gray wanted to sit in the front so he could see the park on the drive in so Zach and I got stuck in the back together.

"I guess you are stuck with me." Zach says with a smirk and I playfully roll my eyes at him.

"I'm not complaining yet." I say with a small smile and his smirk turns into more of a genuine smile with small dimples piercing his cheeks.

On the drive in, I had to clamp my eyes shut on a few occasions from Owen's risky driving. I placed my hand on the center of the middle seat at the back when we drove over a speed bump going at a way too high of a speed, Zach reached his hand out for mine on instinct. He grips onto my hand with an uneasy chuckle and I give him a slight squeeze which he returns to me as he looks me in the eyes. To keep the blush from rising to my cheeks I look out the window but make no move to let go of his hand and Zach doesn't either.

When we arrive at the paddock of this new asset I already feel slightly on edge from the size of it for just one new animal. The number 934 is sprayed on the outside of the paddock to keep it labeled and logged in the system. Something about this whole thing makes me feel uneasy. Zach seems to have noticed it in my face because he is looking at me with some concern and he gives my hand a slight squeeze for comfort. Sure enough it works and I feel some form of relief.

Claire stands at the main door for the paddock and we all make out way over to her. I absentmindedly trail behind the group with Zach, our fingers still intertwined. Claire gives Owen a stiff nod before walking up the stairs as she talks about the Indominus Rex. Stupid name in my opinion but whatever.

In the room with the big glass windows Claire waits for the I-Rex to walk close to the window so we can see it.

"She in here all by herself?" I ask and Claire looks at me surprised I am even interacting with her.

"Yes, she had a sister but she ate it." Claire replies wearily.

"No interaction with any other animals? And you feed her with that?" I ask again pointing towards the crane that is lowering a big hunk of meat into the cage.

"Yes is there a problem here?" Claire snaps. Gray walks up the glass and tries to find whatever is hiding in the trees. Zach stays by my side, still holding onto my hand and I really do appreciate the closeness.

"Yea, the only good relationship this thing has is with that crane." Owen states in a 'duh' tone. I nod in agreeance and Claire rolls her eyes at us as she taps the glass.

"Where is it?" Claire. "So should we set up some play dates or something? Is that what you are saying?" She adds.

"She." I correct. "It is a she."

"And a playdate would not be a good idea." Owen mumbles as Claire walks over to the heat signature pad.

"Check for a signature." She demands from the man sitting by all of the monitors. He clicks a few buttons and waits for the response from the system but all of the heat cameras show that there is no figure in the cage. Owen moves to the other end of the glass windows and inspects a wall of the paddock noticing the scratch marks from the dinosaur trying to climb its way out of the paddock. This may just be a nightmare waiting to happen.

"Claire where the hell is she?" I ask with a harshness to my voice. She has a look of concern on her face that does not put me at ease at all.

"Hey Lo come look at this." Owen says and I release Zachs hand to see what it is that Owen wants me to look at.

"Oh shit, do you think she could have clawed her way out? What did they mix up in that lab O?" I ask and he just shakes his head.

"I don't know. This isn't good Lo." Owen says as Claire requests that the guard check the monitors again for a heat signature.

"Oh my god. She isn't in the cage. I need to get to the control room, Lowrey can check the chip in her back to track her." Claire exclaims as she begins to leave the room. "You boys stay with Owen and Harlow, I will be right back." She adds before leaving in a hurry.

"Im going to go in, want to come with me?" Owen says and I shake my head as I look into the cage a little closer. The guard gets up to leave with Owen as I look back at Zach with an uneasy face.

"What if it got out of the cage?" Gray asks with nervousness present in his voice.

"They can track her and bring in some military level weaponry if needed to re catch or kill her." I state. "It won't be a problem Gray. Don't worry." I add and he gives me a small smile which I gladly return even though I am uncertain of my words since this animal clearly is a little different than the rest here at Jurassic World.

"Lo, This thing may have clawed its way out. Henry has some explaining to do." Owen says through a walkie talkie from inside the cage. The audio coming through another walkie that sits on the table by where the guard once sat. I look inside the cage and see both Owen and the guard inspecting the wall with the scratches.

Some movement in the trees catches my eyes and I immediately turn my head to that section of the cage. Two yellow eyes make themselves known through the leaves and my breath gets lodged in my throat. That's the I-Rex. I sprint to the panel and check for a heat signature and the only thing that comes up is two small dots by the wall that are representing Owen and the guard. Somehow the I-Rex can control its heat signature.

"Fuck." I mumbles over and over again as I try to think of what to do. It's like all common sense leaves my body.

"What's going on?" Zach asks but I can't comprehend anything that Gray or Zach ask me.

"Fuck." I say again as I run over to the glass panel closest to where Owen is standing calmly in the cage. I pound my fists on the glass to get their attention.

"She is in the cage! Get out!" I yell and Owen understands what I am saying based on his wide eyes and running response to the exit door. I go to grab my phone and call Claire but I realize I left it in the car and I silently curse myself. As the running begins in the paddock, the Indominus makes itself known and chases the humans in its territory.

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