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"Call it off right now before it's too late!" Owen yells now no longer trying to hide how pissed he is with this whole thing.

"You are not in control here!" Claire yells at Owen as if trying to get the situation back under control. Yet it seems that Owen and I are the only ones that know that this is no longer in our hands. It's in the Indominus' hands.

On the screen the head of the group picks up a piece of clawed out flesh from a small puddle of water and sees that the tracker is present in the flesh. She clawed it out. I tep forward to get a closer look at the screen, my eyes wide.

"What is going on?" Zach whispered to me.

"She clawed her tracker out. She remembered where it was first implanted." I state loud and clear for the whole room to hear. That's when the yelling and screaming begin to echo through the room from the men and women on screen. Sounds of flatlining ring through my ears and I quickly turn around and make sure that Gray is not able to see what is going on. I tell Zach to keep Gray's ears blocked so he won't hear it either. Zach obeys and I give him a look of worry which he returns unsure of what to do in this situation. Zach warps and arm protectively around my waist and I move as close as I can into his side.

Owen is the first to speak once the death begins. His voice is dark but clear and calm. "You need to evacuate the whole island. Immediately."

"We would never reopen." Claire states with a sound of defeat present in her tone. I scoff at this and move away from Zach to stand by Owen at the front of the room. All eyes move to me.

"You made a genetic hybrid, raised it in captivity. She is seeing all of this for the first time. She doesn't even know what she is. She will kill everything that moves. She is learning where she fits in the food chain and I don't think you want to find out." I sneer giving Claie a death glare. I can see that she is finally starting to see how bad this could be. Zach was still standing in the back watching Harlow with a close eye. He had never been more attracted to someone in his entire life even though this was not the time to be thinking things like that.

"Now asset containment can use live ammunition in an emergency situation. You have an M134 in your armory, put it on a chopper and smoke this thing!" Owen yells.

"We have families here, I will not turn this park into a war zone." Claire tries to keep her cool.

"You don't get it Claire Bear. YOU ALREADY HAVE!" I yell at her and Owen has to hold me back from launching at her. Everyone flinches at the sound of my loud voice exclaiming what everyone was too afraid to admit. This was a war between man and the Jurassic.

Claire stood still and took a deep breath before speaking again. "I am calling a Phase One Real World. Shut down everything north of the park."

I sigh in relief that at least Claire is getting some of the park shut down. I move back to where Zach is and when I make eye contact with him I run into his arm and engulf both him and Gray into a hug. This is going to be a long day.

"We need to get back to the main park where Lowrey is to help him with controls, he is alone over there today." I state and Owen nods. I release Zach and Gray from the hug and I pull them with me and Owen to the elevator. Claire decides to come as well and we make our way down to the garage for some cars.

"Get in a jeep." Owen states and before I get in I go to the wall of guns and grab two, tossing one to Owen who raises an eyebrow at me. I just shrug and load the shotgun, getting it ready to fire. Owen gets in the jeep with Claire and I am with the boys in another car. We both pull out at the same time but we go different ways to see who can get there the fastest to help Lowrey. He is probably freaking out right now all by himself in the control room.

The Raptor's Alpha  (Zach Mitchell X OC)Where stories live. Discover now