Pride and Prejudice and Echo

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I enter into the small caged area where the raptors can come right up to you but you are still blocked off from them with bars and I sit down on the dirt and grassy ground. I snap my finger a few times and wait till I hear the rustling in the trees near the back of the cage. Both Echo and Charlie come running up to the bars and they squeak and yelp when they see me.

I toss in two rats for them and then Charlie leaves for the trees but just like I thought, Echo stays behind and watches me with a tilted head. She has always been my girl. I reach my hand into the cage and lean on the bars from my seated position and I pet her head. I move over to the side of the cage so I can lean my back on the solid metal wall and Echo follows me over there. I move the small metal bucket to the side, keeping it for snacks that Echo will get later.

"Hey girl, we are going to see how my chapters of Pride and Prejudice I can get through before Owen comes to piss me off huh?" I say in a loving voice to Echo who just purrs as she sticks her nose through the bars. I put my leg up against the bars so she can lay her head on there and I instantly begin to rub her bumpy skin. I could hear people running around outside of the paddock and working for about an hour while I read peacefully with my raptor.

In the distance I can hear a car pull up but I ignore it as I continue reading and pet Echo. Feet are moving outside of the first barred gate getting closer and closer. I know its Owen when I hear him hit all over the barrs with the ring that he wears on his thumb. I roll my eyes.

"What are you doing, you are practically in the cage with them. I don't understand why Echo likes you so much." Owen says, his voice making my day 100 times worse already. After last night, I do not need Owen messing with me all day. I refuse to look up at him so I keep my focus on the same sentence in my book, reading it over and over again.

"Because I am not scared to get in the cage with them. Echo doesn't like cowards O." I state calmly pretending he is not currently annoying me. He snorts at my response and it takes all my willpower to not look up at him and glare. I don't even know why but just the thought of Owen right now is pissing me off.

"Claire is mad at you." Owen replies in a sing-songy voice and I once again roll my eyes down at my book.

"I already babysat yesterday even though I had fun. If she wants to fire me she needs to find a new alpha because god knows you can't get Echo or Charlie to listen to you to save your damn life."

"Lo, are you done punching my ego?" Owen groans and I can tell I am getting to him. This may just be a good day if I can beat Owen down.

"We will see." I flatly respond.

"Anyway, so Claire's nephews-" Owen starts before getting cut off.

"We are not talking about what happened last night, the whole Carter thing is not happening again so shut up. I didnt fuck him." I raise my voice, I do not want to have a conversation about being 'careful' with Zach when I may never even see him again. I want to see him again but it really messed with my head, I haven't felt that way about someone ever and I just met him.

"Well shit, that was straightforward. That's not what I was going to say but we do need to talk about that Lo. What I was going to say is Claire wanted us to show her nephews the raptors and then she wanted the two of us to take them to consult with her on a new exhibit." Owen retorts while I still have yet to look up to him and have a civil conversation.

"My girls are not for show. You know that you dumbass." I snap and I can hear Owen sigh. I can only imagine he is rubbing his face with his hands trying not to yell at me. We often get into big sibling fights over the dumbest stuff and I almost always win.

"The little one really wanted to see them." Owen says and my mind wanders to Gray and all his excitement. Maybe I will go try to find them to say hi later today even though I shut Claire down.

"Tell them we are super busy training. Like my schedule is so full with training it's unbearable. Tell Claire that right now I am practically running laps with my raptors, just so busy. Even the raptors are exhausted." I say with a sarcastic and exaggerated tone. Owen chuckles at my reply and it makes me smirk slightly as I keep my eyes trained on the black words printed on the soft paper of my book.

"Ya you look like you are working really hard. Reading and petting Echo, you might as well be napping. Can you not be a stubborn bitch for once in your life?" Owen groans again and I let out a small laugh.

"A nap sounds good right now actually. You know someone woke me up at 3am last night? And you know I will always be a stubborn bitch, that's why ya love me. Also....I am not fucking babysittin. Plus, the cute one is a full on fucking adult, they dont need babysitters. I like the little one though he is adorable. Tell Claire this..." I say and hold up my middle finger to Owen. I hope he sends that message straight to Claire. I keep my eyes trained on my book but when I hear Owen clear his throat I snap my head in his direction. My eyes widen as I see that not only is Owen standing there but also Zach and Gray along with Barry who is silently laughing at me. When I see Gray I instantly put my hand down and stand making Echo give off a disapproving noise from her snout.

"You curse like a sailor." Zach says with a smirk, clearing having heard me call him cute. I make my way over to the bars and give Zach a slight glare. I whistle and it makes Echo snap her mouth forcefully and Zach and Gray both flinch back making me smile proudly at my girl. I then move my attention to Gray.

" Sorry for the language little guy. I didn't know you were both here." I say to him and he just shakes his head with a laugh. Even Gray knew after a day with me that it was inevitable for me to curse. I must be a great influence on children.

"Clearly, considering you called me cute. Thanks princess." Zach states smugly and I roll my eyes at him to try and hide the blush on my cheeks. I turn to Owen and give him a death glare. He takes a step away from the bars so I don't grab him and hit him or something. He watches me with amusement through the bars and I put my hands on my sides as I silently watch Owen.

"I hate you." I simply state and Owen rolls his eyes at me.

"You love me." He retorts in a childish manner.

"I could kill you."

"you would never."

"Why did you not warn me that they were both standing there while I went on a whole rant!" I almost yell.

"I didn't think it would stop you anyway. Plus the look on your face was priceless. You deserve it after the stunt last night. I don't like whatever was happening last night Lo." Owen states referring to me falling asleep accidentally with Zach. Owen is going to have to get over it.

I look behind Owen to see Barry. He holds his hand up in defense as if saying he had nothing to do with the way Owen is acting and I look back to Owen. "The look on your face is going to be unfortunate when I get my hands on you asshole." I sneer and Owen just sticks his tongue out at me like an 11 year old boy. I go grab my book from the ground and throw it at Owen forcefully through the bars hitting him square in the chest. He squeals like a bird when it hits him and he looks at me in surprise.

"You piss me off. And no more shit about last night. Not another Carter incident, you read too much into things. Speaking of Carter, he is back and wanted me to tell you that he misses you and thinks you are a cute little bean." I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"What the hell does that mean? I never liked that kid." Owen says.

"I don't know. Give me my book back." I say and Owen holds up my book in his hands taunting me with it. "Now." I say seriously and he knows then that I am done playing his games. When he gives me my book I look at Zach. He is currently staring at me with a smirk plastered on his face.

"What are you looking at Zachary?" I saw tilting my head to the side.

"You." He replies, his smirk widening. I squint at him with a small smile building on my lips and I turn around to face Echo trying to hide the blush rising to my cheeks once again.

"That's enough of that shit." Owen steps in, putting an arm in front of Zach and pushing him back away from me. I laugh to myself at Owens protective side coming out and I snap my fingers twice, sending Echo running into the trees.

The second I turn to face Owen again and the boys again, I hear my phone ring.

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