Night Sky Stars

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The rest of the meal was filled with some small talk and a few jokes once we got back to normal. After a few more attractions it was dark outside and I was in the middle of walking the two boys back to their rooms. Gray was running up ahead of Zach and I and we stayed back to talk. The park was closed to all visitors at this point so we were the only ones out besides some other staff who were still cleaning. We passed a sitting area that has a few chair and tables with a big fountain in the middle. It was rather peaceful to listen to the water as the stars came out in the night sky.

"I really am sorry for causing problems today. I just, even though we just met I think you are pretty cool. You are not bad Harlow." Zach says and with our next stride our hands brush against each other. I decide to take a leap of faith and I grab his hand intertwining our fingers. I wait for him to pull away and tell me I am gross or something but he never does. Instead he gives my hand a slight squeeze and smiles down at me.

"You are not too bad either Zach." I say quietly, almost hoping he didnt hear me but much to my dismay he does.

"It's so peaceful at night. I love looking up at the stars." I say to fill the silence and Zach's head moves upward to look at the night sky. I stare at him with a small smile and inspect his face. His brown eyes are so bright under the moonlight and his pale complexion is clear. His soft looking pink lips are near irresistible and I have to force myself to keep from pulling him in for a kiss. When he looks back down he catches me staring at him as I quickly face forward to try and act like I was not just staring at him with lustful eyes.

"I saw that. You were staring at me weren't you?" Zach teases using his free hand to poke my cheek playfully.

"I dont know what you are talking about." I state in a very serious manner and he chuckles at me.

"You're very beautiful." Zach says and I look to the ground and kick a loose stone a few feet ahead of me.

"Um, thanks." I reply quietly as we reach the hotel. Gray grabs me and Zach's hands and pulls us in the direction of the elevators. He keeps going on and on about showing me this dinosaur book he recently got as a present.

When we got to their room I waited outside as Zach and Gray filed in, Zach letting go of my hand in the process making me miss and yearn for his warmth again.

"Harlow come in!" Gray exclaims as he continues to dig through his suitcase for what I assume to be this book. I step in and see Zach smiling at me with an amused face as I awkwardly wait for Gray to find what he needs to find. Zach pats the bed beside him and I gladly accept the invitation next to him. When I sit down I let my legs dangle off the end of the bed. I can feel Zach shuffle behind me and when I notice the bed dip directly behind me I know he has moved to sit close to my back. Zach reaches his hands up and plays with my hair absentmindedly which I can not complain about. It was rather relaxing.

"Here it is! I found the book. Isn't it cool?" Gray asks, getting up from the floor where he was sitting and rummaging through his clothes. I smile at Gray and take the book from him, flipping through the pages. To be completely honest it was a pretty cool book if I do say so myself.

"This is cool Gray. Thanks for showing me." I say with a wide smile as I hand the book back to Gray who looks rather pleased with himself. I laugh at this as I hear the television turn on. That's when I notice Zachs hands have stopped running through my hair and are now holding the remote as Back To The Future comes on.

"Oh I love this movie!" I say and Zach laughs then replies. "Me too. Want to stay and like...maybe watch it with us? You don't have to of course. Or if you have something else to do maybe." Zach rambles while rubbing the back of his neck.

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