Pig Loose

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Harlow sits next to Owen Grady as he stands on the bridge above the Raptor paddock. She sits with her legs dangling over the side of the metal walkway thinking about how she got where she is. Her parents died a long time ago, in an accident on Isla Nublar. Yet here she is, working on the island with the very things that killed her parents. Dinosaurs. She came to the island at age 13 to join a youth program, but she never left. Six years later she is 19 and one of the lead alphas of the raptor pack alongside Owen. When she was first part of the youth program, she got placed with Owen to assist with simple things like cleaning the paddock, but he never expected for Harlow to imprint on two of the raptors when they were born. Ever since, she was moved to the position of trainer and given a proper job on the Jurassic World team.


My feet start to get tingly from hanging down for so long yet I have no intention of moving. The metal is warm and hard under me and my arms are slung over a bar that is part of the railing. Owen stares down into the cage while humming to a song that happens to be stuck in his head. I put my hands behind my back and lean back onto them, lifting my head to face the sky as I close my eyes to feel the sun sink into my skin. The warmth encapsulating me completely.

"Barry just texted, Hoskins is here and is ready to watch us run the drill." Owen says with a sigh as he slips his phone into his pocket.

"Ugh, I hate him O." I groan and Owen chuckles at my comment.

"I know me too Har. He is like a cockroach you can't kill or get rid of." Owen mutters making me laugh.

"Can I get arrested for murder if he accidentally ended up in the cage and I accidentally whistled for my girls to attack him?" I ask genuinely and Owen burst into laughter at the genuinely curious look on my face. He doubles over holding onto his stomach and I giggle at his reaction.

"I actually don't know. That's a pretty good plan though. I would help you get away with it if that opportunity ever arises."

"Aww thanks love. See I knew you loved me." I whisper up at him and he rolls his eyes down at me then chuckles.

"Whatever Harlow, but we both know you love me tooooo. I'm your favorite, I'm amazing." Owen says in a sing song manner.

"Whatever you say, O." I add, sticking my tongue out at Owen who just rolls his eyes at me.

"Let's get this going." He replies as I stand and whistle down into the paddock making the new cage hand let the pig loose. Squeals fill the paddock and the four girls start into full sprints after the small pink animal. Blue is the first one to start running and the others shortly follow. As the pig runs underneath the walkway, Owen calls for the girls to stop. I stand smirking down into the cage as my two raptors continue to chase the pig, not listening to Owen. Echo and Charlie only listen to me, while Blue and Delta only listen to Owen. It's a rather annoying situation at times.

"Har, unless you want Hoskins to get us fired, get your raptors under control." Owen says, making me roll her eyes at him. He is right though so I quickly turn to my girls.

"Echo! Charlie! Hold it." I yell into the cage and the second my voice fills the air, the raptors stop and make their way to where Owen and I are standing. I rub my hands together as I move to stand directly next to Owen. He is smiling down into the cage looking at his girls with a proud expression. All the girls, besides Echo, start to snap up at us and Owen and I immediately try to calm them down.

"Blue, shut it. I see you Delta, stay back." Owen announces as he clicks a button in his hand to keep their attention. The pig runs into a small doorway, escaping the dark and very possible reality of the raptors pulling it apart limb by limb.

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