Chapter 1

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Y/n pov~

Beep beep beep. Y/n groaned as they reached to turn off the insufferable noise of her alarm clock. It was a school day today meaning you had to get up. Groaning once more you sit up, glad that the deafening beep of your Alarm clock had stopped. Your eyes surveyed your room, witch-like usual, nothing had changed, sighing softly you got up and trudged into the bathroom. Staring into the mirror, you see your familiar tired-looking appearance. You hated your appearance since it reminded you of your departed mother. Your mother was a lovely woman. She was soft-spoken and genuinely caring, but she had fallen victim to depression's strong grip. When you were younger, it was just you and your mother. You had never met your father and never dared to ask what happened to him. You liked living with your mother but something always seemed off about her. You didn't realize what that was until you turned 16.

It had been a harsh autumn's day and you had just got home from school when you noticed that the door was unlocked. This took you by surprise as your mother would have normally been at work."Mum" you called but there was no response. This was very unlike your mother. She would never leave the door unlocked unless she was inside since she was paranoid that someone would come and steal her possessions. You shrugged, and you pulled your heavy bag off your shoulders. You wearily trudged upstairs, deciding that you were going to wait for your mother in your room. As you got to the top of the stairs, you noticed that your mother's bedroom door was slightly ajar. This was also unusual since it was typically would be closed. You decided that you would close it for her. You walked up to the door to close it when you noticed something In the room. You quickly opened the door and to your horror, you saw your mothers lifeless body hanging from the ceiling. In total shock you fell to your knees crying, you couldn't comprehend why she would do something like this. You closed your eyes, hoping praying this was all a dream, but it wasn't.

Tears pricked in your eyes as you recall the horrific scene. You splashed your face with water trying to snap out of it, now was not the time for crying, you had to get ready. As fast as you could you showered. You then put on a skirt and a turtle neck, since you still wanted to dress smart, unlike some of the people in your class who would show up in PJ's. Not wanting to look tired you put on some light makeup and brushed your h/c hair. After getting ready you pulled on your bag and coat and headed to school, you didn't bother with breakfast as you only had one class this morning so you could grab food after.

You walked into your class and sat at the desk near the window, at the back. You always sat in this seat since nobody seemed to bother you when you sat there. All you wanted was to keep your head down and study, once you had graduated from college you would move far far away from this wretched place. Naturally, you had "friends'' but you just said and did what they wanted, as you didn't want to look like a loner. You stared out the window and watched two birds fly through the air, you sighed, you wished to be free like those birds, you wished you could get away from all the past.

"Hey, Y/n!" you were snapped out of your thoughts by Saki calling your name.

Sangwoo's pov~

"Hey, Y/n!" I turn to see Saki calling Y/n's name. I watched as Y/n sighed before smiling. It was evident to me that she was faking it. Saki, however, is too stupid to realise. "Hi, Saki," y/n said. Her voice so fake and sickly sweet, I can only wonder what her true personality is. "How's my favourite person!" yuri joined. I hated yuri, persistently trying to flirt with Y/n, she was mine, well soon to be. Y/n giggled which made my blood boil. "So, are you going to Chung-ho's party" yuri smiled. Right, I forgot Chung-ho, who was one of the richest boys here was having a party tonight. Since I'm popular, I was invited, but I wouldn't have expected him to invite most of the school. I most likely will not go as I have better things to do. "Of course!" Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. "why wouldn't i." I almost smiled at her statement. This would give me the perfect opportunity to get close to her. I HAVE to go to this party I thought to myself.

Y/n pov~

you watched as the lecturer walked in, this caused saki and yuri finally leave you alone. You had had enough of saki talking about going shopping for party dresses after school. She wanted you and her to match. Her twin brother, however, just continuously flirted with you. You didn't mind the flirting, you actually thought that yuri was pretty attractive. But you didn't care about looks you cared about personality, and yuri had about as much personality as a teaspoon. You knew you could throw a stone and find five other guys just like him. You also knew that you could get any guy like him. All you had to do was flirt a bit, act kind of interested and bat your eyelashes, it was almost laughable how easy it was. Even though you didn't like your appearance, you still knew you were attractive, which was what most guys cared about. You didn't want to attend this stupid party, and you didn't want a stupid boyfriend. 

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