chapter 17

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A/N: Finally it's over

It had been a couple of weeks since you and Sangwoo had the argument. Things were alright in the household, there weren't many fights and you both seemed to love each other. Sure it was weird that you couldn’t leave his site but you had learned to live with that. The weirdest thing to you was how you managed to fall in love with your captor in the first place. Sangwoo had done horrible things to you and he had even killed people but you still somehow would do anything for him. Often you thought back to the times where you told yourself you would never love anyone oh how you were wrong.

It was a regular Saturday morning, you and Sangwoo were sitting at the dinner table eating breakfast. Both of you shared a comptable silence. For some reason you felt like something was horribly wrong but you pushed it to the back of your mind hoping you were just paranoid. How could something be wrong, you were with your beloved. Just last week you and Sangwoo were discussing where the perfect wedding spot would be.

There was a Knock at the door, this knock was firm and wasn't the work of a neighbour or a prank caller, this knock ment business. Usually Sangwoo would ignore knocks on the door when they came, so that's what he did. But then it happened again, the same firm knock.

You watched as Sangwoo slowly got up to answer the door. Sangwoo tucked some of your hair behind your ear giving you a kiss on the cheek. "Stay here" he said before heading towards the door.

Little did you know that that would be the last kiss you received from Sangwoo. The people behind the door were about to do something you would never expect.

“Oh Sangwoo, we have reason to believe that you murdered two people and kidnapped y/n l/n. We are here to arrest you." "There must be a mistake officer, what caused you to make such accusations. "  Sangwoo frowned. Of course both you and Sangwoo knew that those accusations were true. You could hear their conversations from where you sat. You didn't move and didn't breathe as you didn't want to give yourself away. You knew they were looking for you and you hoped if they didn't find you they would leave you and Sangwoo  in peace.

Unfortunately that wasn't the case. They restrained Sangwoo and officers barged into the house. You couldn't make any noise or they would easily find you, so as quickly and quietly as possible you got under the table. The table had no table cloth so it provided you no place to hide. Of course the officers found you quickly and brought you out of the house. You were reluctant to leave so they had to drag you out kicking and screaming.

"Don't worry I will find you, I promise"

These were the last words Sangwoo saide to you before being forced into a police car.

About a year had passed since the police tore you out of Sangwoo's home. The year seemed like a long time since you constantly lived in fear. You were scared of everything. Luckily Yuri was always there for you. Dealing with grief seemed to bring you together. You lived together and he seemed to be the only thing keeping you happy.

You were going through therapy to help cope with everything that happened. The therapy helped you realize how horrid Sangwoo was. Of course you knew he was terrible before but you were blinded by "love". Realizing this stuff about Sangwoo really didn't help your sleeping, you often woke up in the middle of the night sweating because you thought he found you.

Often you would wonder whether Sangwoo still thought about you. You hoped he didn't and if he did you hoped he felt horrible about what he did to you and the others around you. 


It was late at night, Yuri hadn’t come home yet as he was on a business trip. Yuri was due to come home the next day so you decided that you would get an early night. The only problem was that you couldn’t sleep. You had a horrible feeling. The feeling reminded you of the day that you got rescued. It was the same feeling. The thought of Sangwoo scared you. You may have been over him but it didn’t make you not absolutely terrified of his existence. A shiver ran down your spine.

Hopping out of bed you decided to have a shower. Any normal person would have had a bath to relax but the thought of baths causes you severe anxiety. But that was understandable as you almost got killed in one.

The water glided over your body, you felt yourself relax. However even with the water you didn’t fail to hear the front door open. The paranoia had somehow managed to heighten your hearing. In all honesty you found it strange. Weird you thought Yuri isn’t supposed to be back until tomorrow. The fear and anxiety came back so you decided just to check it out. You wrapped yourself in a towel and exited the shower.

Your first action was to grab the baseball bat that you kept next to her bed.  It may seem strange to keep a weapon near your bed but you hated to be alone in the house so it just made you feel safer. Bat in hand you headed out of your room and towards the stairs.

Slowly you made your way down the stairs. It's just Yuri, It's just Yuri you chanted in your head over and over again. However it didn’t really help as you knew that there was a large possibility that it wasn’t him. But it couldn’t be anyone else. I locked the door you thought. This did ease your nerves but you weren't going to drop your weapon just yet.

Then you saw it, you dropped your weapon on the floor and stood there in shock. There in your living room stood Sangwoo. Even though he wasn’t facing you you could tell it was him. Unfortunately the impact of the bat hitting the linoleum made a sound causing him to turn round. His face was just as you remembered handsome, his hair however was cropped short. Although his face was the same there was something in his eyes, it looked like insanity.

How did he find me? Yuri said he would never find us. How is he here? You started to panic, you had no idea what to do. Here stood the person you feared the most. The person you thought you had escaped from and you had no one to save you, no way out. You were so scared you couldn’t shake or cry all you could do was stare at him.

With what little courage you had you started to slowly back away. Sangwoo stared at you with a confused and almost hurt expression on his face. You soon regretted backing away when your back hit a wall. Sangwoo got closer and closer. “What’s wrong babe?” he frowned. You couldn’t look him in the eye you wanted Yuri, you wanted to wake up knowing this was a nightmare.

“How did you find me?” you whispered fear in your eyes. “What do you mean? You know I'll always find you, I promised, didn't i?” he smiled. it was like he couldn’t tell why you were scared. It was like it was normal.“I've bought an apartment, we can have a fresh start.” Sangwoo was so happy, it was a massive contrast to the many emotions you felt. You didn’t want to go with him, You liked your new life. Not to mention you didn’t want a repeat of last time.

Last time it was tourture and isolation. What would it be like this time you thought. Another thing is the pregnancy. When you lived with Sangwoo he would often sleep with you without protection. What if one day you got pregnant with his child, what would Sangwoo do to the child. You had always wanted children but bringing them up with Sangwoo as a father wouldn't be fair.

"Now, why don't we have some fun," Sangwoo said with a smirk. You knew what fun meant and you didn't want it. Before you protested he had scooped you up bridal style and was taking you upstairs. He was real. This was actually happening. You didn't want it, you never wanted it.

I shouldn't have winked at him,

I shouldn't have gone home with him,

And I definitely shouldn't have ever fallen for that Mr. Nice guy Act...

Mr. "Nice Guy" (Sangwoo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now