Chapter 8

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Like earlier in the day, you woke up unaware of what was going on. This time, however, you didn't wake up in a nice comfy bed you woke up in the passenger seat in a car. Turning your head you are unsurprised to see Sangwoo in the driver's seat. The memory of earlier came back You remembered that Sangwoo told you that he loved you, but you couldn't remember anything after that. Panic started to rise and you feel your body slightly tense. Quickly you loosen it before Sangwoo can notice. Looking down at your hands, you realize you are dressed in clothes that you don't recognize. Had Sangwoo bought clothes for you? You asked yourself, but you considered that unlikely.

"Oh! Your awake" you jumped at Sangwoo's comment, as it was relatively silent in the car. You turn and look at Sangwoo. A slight smile crept on your face. Quickly you remembered you had no idea where you were going. "Where are we going?" you softly asked trying not to think about the thought that you are most likely in danger. "School." his answer was short, but you had no other choice but to believe him. You didn't dare ask about the clothes due to fear of striking a nerve. For all, you knew the clothes could have belonged to his ex who mysteriously disappeared. You stayed quiet the rest of the drive not wanting to say something you would regret.

As soon as you got out of his car, you felt uneasy, people seemed to stare at you. You were certain it was because you got out of Sangwoo's car, as he was really popular unlike yourself. People were still probably confused about the scene that happened the day before. Nobody would have expected Sangwooo to say what he did, including you. Even if it was to get you out of a sticky situation, you still are suspicious about his motive. Normally you would be glad to hang out with someone other than Saki and Yuri but right now you wished to get away from Sangwoo. Unfortunately, you were sure he wouldn't let you.

Suddenly someone ran into you gripping you in their arms. Both of you landed with a thump on the ground. You had braced for impact by closing your eyes but quickly opened them once you hit the ground. On top of you was Saki slight tears in her eyes. Getting off of you she started to speak. "I was so worried you weren't returning my messages or calls," she said her voice laced in worry. Examining her eyes, you could see a great deal of worry. You honestly felt sorry for her. She always worried about you and was kind to you and you barely acknowledged her existence. You Didn't deserve Saki's friendship, you knew you didn't. Especially since you were so fake to her.

Before you could do anything you feel someone hoist you off the ground. You had a good idea as to who it was. You jerked your head around to see you were correct, it was Sangwoo. You wanted to answer Saki but Sangwoo answered for you.


"Y/n dropped their phone yesterday and it smashed," I replied to Saki. I knew that y/n's "friends" were going to be a problem, they always cared a lot about her. That was why I couldn't just lock her up in my house, her friends would go looking for her. I had to be cautious with my words and make sure to never leave her alone with her friends. Her friends could persuade her into not coming with me. For all, I know she could be plotting to get away from me. She did faint when I told her I loved her, I don't but I'm trying to gain her trust. Maybe she was scared of commitment?


There was one thing that Sangwoo didn't know about you and Saki's relationship. You had a secret code. The code was simple eye movements and hand gestures the untrained eye wouldn't pick up on it so it was foolproof. You made the code for situations just like this. It was so you could talk without people even knowing. Even though Saki wasn't the brightest, she was extremely sneaky and a great liar. It was moments like this where you could consider Saki as your friend.

You crossed your fingers then did an okay symbol whilst looking at Sangwoo. Sangwoo was talking to one of his friends at that precise moment, so it was the perfect time to do it. You could only use one of your hands as he was holding the other one. Your symbols told Saki that you weren't okay with Sangwoo. She understood straight away. Responding back with her own symbols. Her symbols translated to meet me in the bathroom just before 1st period. You slightly nodded your head making sure it wasn't too obvious.

"Well, Bye Y/n!" Saki said waving at you. This caught Sangwoo's attention. He turned to you and you simply smiled. "What was that about?" he questioned. It did probably look a bit weird, Saki coming up to you and not even talking to you. You shrugged and smiled sweetly. Sangwoo turned back around to talk to his friend. You were glad he didn't question you any further.


There was definitely something going on. It was like they could communicate without even saying anything, but that's impossible. I found it extremely odd how before Saki left she stood there for a minute in silence. This wasn't a normal action for Saki when she was with Y/n. From observing their behavior Saki was usually loud with Y/n. In fact, I don't think I had ever seen Saki shut her trap. I began to overthink. I became paranoid. If Y/n could communicate without speaking she could get a head up on me. I need to think of a way to get rid of her friends. Why do you have to be so hard to get Y/n?

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