chapter 4

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AN: Warning This chapter is Smut. 


Sangwoo carried you into his bedroom and slammed you onto the bed. You could tell he was very eager. It was almost like he had been waiting for this moment for a while. He had an evil grin on his face, which honestly made you a bit scared. Maybe this was an unwise decision you thought to yourself, Maybe I shouldn't have flirted that hard. There was no way you could back out now, so you had to surrender your body to him.

He started kissing you from your neck to your collarbone, each kiss was deep and you could tell he was leaving hickeys that would be a pain to cover. You tried so hard to suppress your moans, not wanting him to know he was pleasuring you so easily. But you couldn't help it, a faint moan escaped your lips, you could feel him smirk into your collarbone.


I smirk into y/n collarbone as I hear a small moan escape her lips. It was almost like she was trying to keep them in, there was no way I would allow her to do that. I wanted to hear her scream my name, tell me she wanted more. I slipped my hand under her, unzipping her dress, I wanted to see her gorgeous body. But more than anything I wanted to be inside of her, I wanted our bodies to combine into one.


you feel sangwoo slip off your dress. Feeling exposed you wanted to cover yourself up, you were lying there in a thong and nothing else. Your breasts were hanging out for anyone to see. Watching Sangwoo's every move you see him go down. You were pretty sure you knew what he was going to do, but you weren't ready. Sangwoo placed a gentle kiss on your clit through your underwear. In shock, your breath hitched, and then you waited, waited for what was going to happen next. His tongue roamed all over your "rose garden" making your insides tingle, you had to keep gasping for air so you didn't moan. You could tell he had done this many times before.


I had had enough of her not moaning, was this girl not enjoying what I was doing or was she trying to act strong. I guess it was the second one since I could hear her gasping for air. normally girls would be screaming already, I guess most of the girls I fuck are sluts though. Made to satisfy men but y/n seemed different. I slowly slipped her panties to the side and shove two of my fingers into her, she was so wet. Guess she does like me I thought to myself as I pumped my fingers into her.


You couldn't hold it in you moaned, it hurt but the pleasure beat the pain. You didn't need to look at Sangwoo to know he was pulling a smug face. Rolling your eyes at your thoughts, you feel your body start to relax.


Hear moans sent chills down my spine, my dick was throbbing at this point. I slowly unzipped my trousers and pulled it out. I couldn't wait any longer. I wanted to shove my dick so far into her I would flip her inside out. I am no longer going to be soft.


You felt a knot build in your stomach. Am I going to cum? you thought to yourself. All you could feel was sheer ecstasy. Sangwoo was going faster than ever, you were definitely going to cum. Your body stiffened. But then it stopped. Opening your eyes, you are greeted by Sangwoo's smirking face. You looked down to see him positioning himself. He is huge you thought to yourself, he wasn't lying when he said you didn't have to worry about his dick being small. Was it even going to fit? You hadn't realised it before, but Sangwoo was ripped, he possessed a beautifully toned body. Examining his eyes, he smirked again. "Like the view?" he questioned. As he did, he shoved himself completely into you. Sangwoo~ you moaned loudly, as your head tipped back. It was so painful but so, so good at the same time.


Yes moan my name I thought to myself, I was so hard for her. I started to move. This caused her to moan again. She instantly covered her mouth after doing so, but I wanted to hear her. Using one of my arms, I pinned her arms above her head, this also allowed me to get a good look at her eyes. Our eyes locked, and I could see lust in her eyes, this made me go crazy, there was no turning back, I had to go all the way. I pushed into her as deep as possible, letting go of her arms this making her grip my shoulders. Her sharp nails pierced into my skin, making me moan. What are you doing to me y/n? I think as my eyes rolled back, this was complete and utter bliss and I never wanted it to end.


Once again a knot starts forming in your stomach. Your nails were digging into Sangwoo's back, which he seemed to like, you could tell by his deep moans.


I can feel her tightening around me, any minute now she was going to cum. I hoist her legs over my shoulders, so I could get even deeper.


You feel your body stiffen. You arched your back as you reach your climax. Sangwoo's cock twitched inside you, you guessed that was him also reaching his. All you could do was moan his name as you slipped into ecstasy.


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