Chapter 13

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You open your eyes and find you are not dead. You are actually very much alive. "Damn it," you mutter under your breath. Not only are you not dead, but you had also found yourself laying in Sangwoo's bed. "Someone's grumpy" Sangwoo chuckled pulling you into him. There it was again, the bubbly façade. You had seen his true self, and it honestly terrified you. Replaying yesterday's events you clearly remember Sangwoo shoving your head underwater. He could have easily let you die, why didn't he? You decided it wasn't a clever idea to ask someone why they didn't kill you first thing in the morning.

After a few interminable minutes, Sangwoo let go of you smiling. He stood up and turned to you. "you coming?" he smiled once more. You quickly got up and stood there naked. Uncomfortable you stared at the floor. That was until you got hit by a jumper. You stared at the jumper before picking it up and putting it on. At this point in time, you would take any clothes you could get. Sangwoo started to walk out the door, and you followed. He led you into his kitchen before motioning for you to sit down. You sat on a chair at the table and stared at him. "You will be living with me now, but there are some rules." Sangwoo casually spoke. He has officially kidnapped me you thought to yourself. How could my life get any worse?

"One, you will sleep in my bed with me." he smiled. Sounds reasonable enough you thought to yourself. "Two, you cannot leave on your own or without my permission." his voice was still calm. You had expected this rule, so you weren't shocked. But you nevertheless found it a little unfair. "Three do not ever go into the basement unless I tell you to." what's in the basement? You questioned in your mind. You presumed it was Hak-Kun's body, so you didn't ask any questions. "Four, you will ask permission to talk to people that are not me." now that is kind of unreasonable you thought, but then you remembered that you don't really talk to many other people anyway. "Five, you will do everything I tell you to." Sangwoo smirked. So it's like I'm a dog you thought, you wanted to roll your eyes and tell him that it was stupid so bad. But the fear of the consequences prevented you from doing so. "Lastly, if you break these rules, I will be forced to punish you." his voice was harsh. It sent shivers down your spine imagining what the punishments could be. "Understood?" Sangwoo smiled. Slowly you nodded your head, thinking about what you had gotten yourself into.

After establishing the rules Sangwoo made you breakfast. Whilst eating you thought about your position and whether you meant Anything to Sangwoo. You were certain that you didn't love Sangwoo. He was your kidnapper after all. You just hoped that Sangwoo didn't love you. At this moment in time, you still were going to keep up your façade as the kind and quiet girl that is always happy. You had only allowed it slip once or twice already, but you wouldn't let it happen again, you wouldn't show Sangwoo your fear.

Once you had finished eating, Sangwoo spoke; "we are going to school today, so you will need to get changed." Sangwoo paused. "Don't worry about clothes. I acquired some from your house." he smiled like it was a normal thing to go into people's houses without their permission. He must have seized my keys when he knocked me out the first time you thought to yourself. But to be honest You were grateful that you got to wear your own clothes for once. Sangwoo handed you a bag of your clothes, peering inside you could see that he had picked out all of your most revealing clothes. Once again you resisted the urge to roll your eyes. " Can you turn around?'' You asked with a slight blush on your face. It wasn't like Sangwoo hadn't seen you naked before it was that you just didn't feel comfortable changing in front of him. "What if I don't want to?" Sangwoo smirked. You had no answer to his question. You merely stood there until you had an idea. You turned around, meaning that all he could see was your back.

Suddenly you were picked up and thrown onto Sangwoo's bed. He was clearly not entertained by you turning around. He grabbed a top from the bag and put it on you with ease. Embarrassed you look elsewhere. You couldn't believe how easily he was able to control you. Before long you were dressed staring up at Sangwoo. He was still pinning you against the bed. After a few moments, he started to tickle you mercilessly. You giggled a real giggle you couldn't help it you were really ticklish. "S-stop," you stuttered. "I-i'm really ticklish," you giggled again.

Ring, Ring

It was Sangwoo's phone. Sangwoo cursed under his breath before moving off of you. You watch as Sangwoo walks out of the bedroom door. It was silent for a moment before he called you; "y/n were leaving" his voice was stern, annoyed. You quickly got up from the bed and walked out the door, following Sangwoo into his car.

The car ride was the same as always, quiet.

As Sangwoo's car pulled up to your school you started to feel a pit in your stomach. You were nervous, really nervous. You were terrified of what Saki's reaction to you being with Sangwoo would be. She had helped you "escape" and now you were betraying her. It wasn't like you wanted to be with him, but you couldn't Escape. Arguably It was safer for you to stay with Sangwoo. You had seen what he could do. Sangwoo killed Hak-Kun right in front of you, not to mention he could easily kill you at any moment almost doing it the day before.

You dreaded seeing Saki so once you saw her, you felt your heart drop. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes, but like usual you kept on a straight face. Looking in her eyes, you could see it, her disappointment. She was disappointed in you. Only recently you had realized that you needed her without her. You would be nothing. You never appreciated her, and now it was too late. She would never forgive you, and you didn't want her to. You wanted to protect her. You wanted to protect her from Sangwoo. The only thing you could hope for was that she wouldn't provoke him.

But then it happened, she provoked him...

A/N: finally I updated. Yay!

Hope you enjoy this chapter!


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