chapter 6

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a/n: there is slight smut at the end of this chapter. 


"Who does that jumper belong to?" you hear a stern voice say from behind you. You turn around and immediately roll your eyes. It was Hak-Kun. You didn't know what to say, but you came up with an idea. "Oh, it's just a friend," you smile. "I can tell you are lying," he raises his voice. You were not in the mood to have to deal with Hak-Kun again. "What's your damage, I said it's just a friend" you raised your voice to match his. Hak-Kun raises his arm fearing the worse you close your eyes.


"It's mine." I had walked into the classroom and saw Hak-Kun and y/n arguing. I noticed that y/n was wearing my jumper, which made me heat up a little bit. Sighing I guessed that was what the argument was about. When I got closer, it was clear that I was right. I watch as Huk-kan raises his arm to hit y/n, there was no way I was going to allow him to do that. I step in front of y/n and I answer his question.


You open your eyes to see Sangwoo standing in front of you and a shocked expression on Hak-Kun's face. It took you a couple of seconds to realise what was going on. you blush slightly as you were surprised that Sangwoo admitted it was his and embarrassed that he saw you wearing his jumper.


"Why are you wearing his jumper y/n?" Hak-Kun questioned with anger in his voice. Why is he asking so many questions, it's annoying I thought to myself. But then it hit me, an Idea sprung into my mind. It was a brilliant idea, an idea that would make y/n mine forever.


"Because we're dating." Sangwoo's words hit you like a ton of bricks. You had to try so hard not to let your jaw swing open from the shock. You couldn't believe what he said, and neither could anyone else who overhead it. Both Saki and Yuri had their mouths wide open and Hak-Kun had gone pale. Before you knew it, you had turned a light shade of Fuschia.


Y/n had gone pink, it was actually very cute. She had clearly not expected me to say that. I wouldn't have expected it either if I was her. The thought of having y/n all to myself made me giddy, I could do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. All I needed her to do was agree.


You mustered up all your courage to start to play along, besides he's not being serious, there's no way he would want to date me you hold in a sigh. But still, the thought of dating Sangwoo existed you. You thought you were so sure you didn't want a boyfriend, but something about him was different, interesting. "Y-yeah," you stutter pulling his hand Into yours, you had to make it convincing, or that's what you told yourself.


I clutched y/n's hand tightly as I thought about what she just said. She had agreed to it, she said yes. This meant that I could do whatever I desired to her and oh boy there is a lot I want to do. She was so adorable and nervous when she answered, it made me want to fuck her again. I felt myself get a little hard as I fantasized about her. "W-what!" Huk-Kun shouted. I had forgotten he was there, I was too busy daydreaming. I was officially done with this arguing, I just wanted y/n all to myself. Gently I pulled, y/n into a hug, feeling her cuddle into me was making me hard so I had to hurry it up. "You heard me y/n is my girlfriend so back off," I growled. Getting the message he hurried off leaving y and me/n to cuddle in peace.

After a couple of seconds, I and y/n broke out of the hug. Y/n was still quite pink but she seemed more relaxed. At this point, I had a big hard-on and really wanted to go relieve it, but I had a better idea.


"Y/n why didn't you tell me you and Sangwoo were dating?" Well, I wasn't actually aware we were dating until like 5 minutes ago you thought to yourself as you racked your brains for a logical explanation. "Well um me and Sangwoo didn't want people to spread rumours or think bad of us" you fakely smiled as you knew you were lying out of your ass. You looked at Yuri, he hadn't said a word, he was lost in thought. Not wanting to disturb him, you said nothing.


I watched y/n lie and fake smile, she definitely wanted people to buy into this lie and I loved it. But I couldn't hold it in anymore. I wanted her. I wanted her now. "Y/n, we should probably go." I grin. "Okay Woo" she replies smiling. Woo, I thought to myself starting to get even more aroused, if that was possible. She was mine now, to the point where she seems to be excepting this. I love submissive girls.

Y/n waves goodbye to Saki and Yuri before grabbing my hand. We are going to have so much fun together I smirk to myself. So much fun.


Sangwoo got into the backseat of his car and suddenly towed you in after him. You were confused at his sense of urgency until he sat you onto his lap. You could feel that he had a hard-on. Sangwoo looked you in the eye and smirked. Before you could do anything he started to kiss you, passionately. His kisses were strong and rough. His tongue penetrated into your mouth, your tongues battled for dominance. He obviously won, smirking as he did.

pinning you onto the seats, you and Sangwoo kisses became more rough and passionate. Sangwoo slipped his hand under your jumper, cupping one of your breasts with his hand. You knew it was risky doing it In the school car park, but you didn't care. Since last night your body has craved his touch, so you would take it whenever you could.


I love seeing her submit herself to me, it makes me love her even more if you could even call it that. Her skin was so soft and sensitive. Her breasts were the same. The slightest touch of her nipple would cause her breath to hitch. My size seemed to tower over her. I had so much control, so much power. This time there was no way I would let her escape; she would be mine forever.

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