chapter 2

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Y/n pov~

The mall was extremely busy, there were loads of girls chatting and buying dresses. You hated the mall, but you were dragged there by Saki. She kept squealing every time she saw a "cute" dress. In your opinion, you hated the look of all of the short dresses she pointed at. You didn't want to draw attention to yourself by wearing a short dress, that would make you look easy and you definitely didn't want that. Saki towed you into the dressing rooms and threw a bunch of dresses in your arms. "Try them on" she beamed. You had to pretend like you were interested, but in all honesty, you wanted to go home. "Okie Dokie," you smiled as you headed into a room. Once out of earshot you sighed. "Guess the theme for the party is slut," you breathed. you looked down at the pile of "dresses" if you could call them that, some of them were short enough you were sure they were classed as t-shirts.

You picked up the least ugly dress. It was an emerald green mini dress, it was made of satin and it looked pretty short. You put on the dress and looked in the mirror. You were right it was pretty short, but it did flatter your shape. Just by looking at it, you could tell that Saki would love it. it was just her thing. you sighed and walked out of the changing room and saw Saki staring at you, her mouth wide open. You looked away and blushed slightly. You didn't appreciate her looking at you like that. "You look super hot y/n!" Saki shouted. This caused a few people in the shop to look at you, which made you go even redder. "You have to get that!" Saki said standing up. "Do you like my dress Y/n?" "Yeah, it's super cute," you replied, putting on an artificial smile. You wanted to go home, you didn't want to go to that stupid party, especially not in this dress.

You paid for the dress and parted ways with saki. There were still a few hours till the party, so you decided to grab some coffee at your favourite coffee shop. Walking into the coffee shop you see a familiar face. Hak-Kun. You and Hak-Kun used to date but he broke up with you for some other girl, within a week he was begging for you back. People like him sickened you, it's like they think girls were sperm dumps. Hoping he wouldn't notice you, you walked up to the till and ordered a to-go coffee. You wanted to sit in the cafe originally but seeing Hak-Kun changed your mind. It was too late, as you were taking your coffee from the cashier he called your name. "y/n," he smiled. "Shit," you mumbled to yourself before plastering on a smile and walking over to him. He was sitting with his friends. You only recognised one of the guys, it was oh Sangwoo from your class. As you are standing next to him, he wraps one of his arms around your waist. If his friends weren't there, he would have been a dead man, you would have smacked him so hard he would have a bruise.

Sangwoo's pov~

I looked up at Y/n, she looked extremely uncomfortable. That was when I noticed that Hak-Kun had his arm wrapped around her waist, that snake. If I had my way, she would never be touched by anyone but me. Both me and her locked eyes, they bore no emotion other than slight anger, which was understandable. I wanted to stare into her eyes for forever. I wanted to witness lust for me in those beautiful e/c eyes. The connection was broken as her attention shifted to Hak-Kun. "you're going to Chung-ho's party right?" Hak-Kun questioned, lust in his eyes. I hated the way he looked at Y/n. "we could always go together." Huk-Kun winked and pulled her in closer. I was seconds away from slapping him straight across the face, he was playing with my prey. "Saki and I have plans." she smiled managing to release herself from his firm grip. Hak-Kun frowned. "see you later, K," she said walking away from the table. Before completely leaving the shop she turned her head and our eyes locked. She winked before swiftly leaving the shop. I couldn't believe it. My eyes were fixed on the door for a couple of seconds, my face started to lightly blush. Before anyone could notice I suppressed it, tearing my eyes away from the door. This made me want her more. I wanted to do unspeakable things to her. I felt my trousers tighten and took that as my queue to leave. "Well, I better get going" I stood up and walked out of the shop.

Y/n pov~

You giggled to yourself as you walked out of the mall. "Boys are so fun to mess with," you sighed. Before you left the cafe you had winked at Sangwoo, you did it simply because you could. You didn't have a physical attraction to him, but you did note there was something different about him. You weren't sure but you felt like his bubbly, energetic personality was a facade, you wanted to know what the real him was like. This was the first time you had ever actually taken an interest in a guy before, you had never really loved Hak-Kun. You merely went out with him because he confessed to you, it obviously wasn't sincere. It seemed like he desired you again since he clung to you pretty hard. There was no way you would take him back, besides you had a brand-new boy toy, Sangwoo.

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