chapter 3

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S~ = Sangwoo's pov

y/n~ = your pov

 3rd~ = third person pov


Saki arrived at your house with her brother yuri. Yuri examined you and smiled. "Looking good as always!" you slightly blushed at this comment. It wasn't a legitimate blush, you just wanted to play along. The dress you had bought was paired with some nude strappy heels and some gold jewellery. Wanting to complete the look, you kept your hair down and threw on some makeup. Makeup would cause the boys to go crazy, you didn't exactly require their attention but you didn't mind it. "You ready Y/n" Saki beamed excitedly. She was bigging this up; it was just a party. It was presumably because Chang-Ho's parents were loaded and he was having it at his parent's mansion just outside of town. Rumour has it he even has a nightclub in his house. You had never been to a massive party before, if you had a choice you wouldn't have gone at all. "Hell yeah!" you said trying to match saki's energy. The three of you smile before heading to the party.

As expected as soon as you walked into the party, you turned some heads. You could see guys gawking at you and their jealous girlfriends glaring at you. Your eyes fell on a familiar group. They were sat at a table near the bar, you just hoped your ex wouldn't see you. It was true Chang-Ho did have a nightclub in his home. You and saki stood together whilst yuri got drinks. You could barely hear saki over the blaring music, you just managed to hear what she said. "You know, Sangwoo is looking at you." you heard a note of jealousy in her voice, but you couldn't care less who was looking at you. "Wait did you say Sangwoo!" you leaned closer to her to make sure she heard you. "Yeah look" she jerked her head in his direction. Looking straight at him, your eyes met it was dark but you could see that he was smiling. You sighed and headed over to him smiling back.


"She's so lucky!" saki sighed looking at Yuri. Yuri had returned with drinks, he handed Saki one before sighing. "I know, even I want to fuck him," yuri chuckled."Maybe if I had bigger boobs like her I would seduce all the men!"Saki said whilst pushing up her boobs. "Maybe." yuri giggled at his sister's pouting face. Yuri was moderately disappointed since he liked Y/n.


I watched as she walked towards me, she looked so alluring in her short dress. It was practically like Y/n demanded me to kidnap her. She looked so vulnerable and so exposed, like a rabbit unaware of the sly fox in front of her. Y/n smiled and stopped right in front of me, I wanted to slam her against a wall so bad, but I refrained from doing so.


This is going to be fun you think to yourself. You were going to tease him and hopefully find out more about him. To be honest you wanted to see how far you could push it before you saw his true colours.

"I saw you looking at me." she smiled. Oh, so she wants to act cute, I thought to myself. She's driving me mad. "Sorry, I didn't realize" I smirk, showing I recognize what she was playing.


Oh, he wants to play. You think to yourself. Your thoughts were disturbed by a drunk Hak-Kun. Oh god, you thought to yourself. You knew what he got like when he got drunk and it wasn't glamorous. "y/n I miss you," Hak-Kun whined as he clung onto you. You looked up at sangwoo and you could have sworn you saw a hint of jealousy in his face. "Come on, let's go home," Huk-Kun slurred, starting to pull you. "No you're drunk," you replied sternly. "please," Hak-Kun whined pulling you harder. You had had enough there was no way you were going with him, even if he wasn't drunk. You knee him in his baby maker. YELP! He fell to the floor in pain. You hear Sangwoo slightly chuckle. Hak-Kun had ruined your night, and you wanted to make sure he knew. "I don't want your small dick! Now run along and find a girl that does!" you screamed looking down at him. Walking out you felt defeated all you wanted was a good night for once.

"Hey!" you turned to see Sangwoo standing over you, smirking. You didn't know whether it was the moonlight or the fact you were lonely, but you had to admit that Sangwoo looked pretty attractive. "Hey," you reply, looking elsewhere. You were terribly embarrassed by what just happened.


Does she not want to talk to me? I think annoyed. I came all the way to this party and haven't gotten any further than slight flirting. I want her now I want her to beg me for mercy. "You know you're pretty attractive, but what do you require from me?" Her question startled me. But I was more shocked about her calling me attractive. It was now or never, I had to make a move. I grabbed her chin and stared into her eyes. "I don't require anything, but I can assure you that my dick isn't small" I smirked. I watched as her eyes widened and then narrowed.


You honestly couldn't believe what you just heard. Initially, all you wanted to do was flirt, but it couldn't hurt having sex with him you thought to yourself. I mean he was an attractive male. The fact that it was Sangwoo was Even better, Saki would be extremely jealous. Narrowing your eyes, you spoke. "guess I'll just have to see for myself." you couldn't comprehend what came over you. were You going to let him take your virginity so easily?


She let in so easily, I would've thought she was a little more resistant than that. I smirked as I continued to stare into her eyes. "Are you certain sweetheart? I tend to be rough,'' I smirked. I was already turned on, I could feel my Dick pressing up against my suit trousers, begging to be let out. She smirked and narrowed her eyes once again. "Positive," she smiled. I was going to fuck her till she couldn't walk I wanted her so bad and now I had her.

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