chapter 12

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Before long you arrived at Sangwoo's house. It wasn't far from the warehouse, in fact, he could have walked with no trouble. You had a feeling he brought his car just in case he had to knock you out to get you to go with him. You were certain he had no intention of leaving the warehouse without you.

Sangwoo decided to carry you into the house, you could walk, and he knew you could. It was presumably, so he possessed more control and so you couldn't run away, even though you weren't planning to. He had already carried Hak-Kun's lifeless body in before you. It kind of unnerved you knowing that there was going to be a body in the same house as you. You just hoped you wouldn't have to look at it.

You were carried into the bedroom and placed on the bed. Instead of trying to sleep with you, Sangwoo gently kissed you on the head and headed into the bathroom. The whole time Sangwoo hadn't said anything to you, nothing at all. Is he planning something? You thought to yourself. After a few seconds, you heard water running. You guessed he was running a bath, after all, both of you were covered in blood.

After a couple of minutes, the water stopped, and you heard footsteps heading towards you. You didn't look up from looking at the floor. You saw Sangwoo's feet stop in front of you. Looking up you saw a deadpan expression on his face. You both stared at each other before he picked you up once again. You were carried into the bathroom where you saw a bath filled with hot water. Still, with no words, Sangwoo stood you on the tiled floor and unzipped your dress. You didn't protest you just allowed it to happen. Before you knew it, you were sat in a bathtub with Sangwoo.

The water gradually started to turn red. You and Sangwoo sat there staring at each other for what seemed years. Slowly he cupped a hand to your cheek and kissed you. You kissed back. You didn't care anymore, you didn't care what happened to you, you just wanted it all to end. Sangwoo's lips met your ear before he whispered something; "I'm sorry."

Your head was plunged into the water with a splash. Your nose and mouth filled with water. You closed your eyes. It was the end. It was finally the end. You merely let it happen. Before long your body went numb, you couldn't feel anything. It was all over.


Unlike many of my victims, y/n didn't struggle when killed. She merely allowed it to happen. I fell in love with y/n I would do anything for her. Including taking her out of this world. This world is cruel and filled with horror y/n deserved to live somewhere better. Somewhere clean. Somewhere without me.


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