chapter 5

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You wake to feel your body was really sore. God, what happened last night, you think to yourself as you open your eyes. Started, you couldn't help but gawp at Sangwoo sleeping right next to you. Memories of last night come flooding back and you can't help but blush. You slept with Sangwoo last night, SANGWOO! You thought to yourself. You couldn't believe it.

Shit, what time is it! Realising you had school you were snapped out of your thoughts. As carefully as you could you got out of Sangwoo's bed And snatched your phone off a bedside table. Looking at the time, you sighed a sigh of relief. You still had time to get to school. The only problem was you didn't have time to go home and get changed. It was pretty cold in Sangwoo's home so you grabbed one of Sangwoo's jumpers. He wouldn't mind if I borrowed it you reassured yourself. As you pulled it over your head, your nose was filled with his cologne. It smelled really nice. Before leaving you left Sangwoo a note.

Sitting on the curb, you sighed, you had called a taxi using the location tool on your phone. It was really chilly outside so you had buried yourself into Sangwoo's baggy jumper, enjoying his scent. Pulling out your phone, you decided to text Saki. 'Saki do you still have spare clothes in your locker?' instantly she responded. 'Yeah, why? Do you need them?' not wanting to explain over text, you simply replied with:'yeah, it's a long story, I'll explain when I get there.' 'See you:)' Saki responded. Relieved you put your phone back into your bag. You looked up and noticed that your taxi had arrived. You quickly hop in and close the door.


I open my eyes to see y/n missing. "Dangit," I mutter as I sit up. I should have kidnapped her when I had the chance, I thought to myself. Slowly getting out of bed I noticed a note on the bedside table.

You're interesting, I hope to see you again sometime.
By the way, I borrowed one of your jumpers so thanks.
xx y/n~
Call me: xxxxxxxxxxx

I smirk at the note. I hoped to see y/n again too, but the next time I wouldn't let her get away so easily.


you watch as Saki runs up to you, her brother close behind "Where did you go-" she stops and looks you up and down. Gabbing your wrist she turns to her brother and speaks once more. "Girl problems gotta Run." she hurriedly pulled you off. You look back at her brother who is pulling an extremely confused face. You stop in a deserted bathroom. She looked like she was about to explode. "Is that a hickey?!" she said, raising one eyebrow. You briskly turn to look in the mirror and see that hickeys are lining your neck. Before you could even respond she starts talking again "who was it? Was it Hak-Kun?" you shake your head "Ji-hoon?" who even is Ji-hoon? You think as you shake your head "Daejeon?" at this rate she was going to go through the whole school." you wouldn't believe me if I told you."You rolled your eyes playfully "do you have the clothes?" you ask. "Yeah I do, but I don't know if they'll fit you," she responds, rubbing the back of her neck before handing you a bag.

Heading into the stool you look into the bag. You frown as you see it is a pair of biker shorts and a crop top. "Guess I'm, going to be cold today," you sigh. You hear Saki chuckle nervously from the other side of the door. With a slight struggle, you manage to get the shorts on. but It was no use for the top you pulled and pulled but it just didn't fit right. "Saki, the top doesn't fit." you groan. "Just come out!" Saki calls. Unlocking the door, you feel your face flush. "Oh, it really doesn't fit you." she says looking at you "why don't you wear the jumper you have?" you look away flustered, you couldn't imagine how embarrassing it would be if he saw you wearing his jumper."Oh, it's his, isn't it? she smiles shyly. "Think of it this way, would you rather have everyone see your boobs or would you rather wear a jumper that belonged to a guy?" Saki grinned. Thinking about it you couldn't understand why you would be so embarrassed. It's just a stupid jumper you reassure yourself. You pull the jumper over your head and smile. This was a genuine smile. You really were grateful for her help. She fixed your hair and covered the hickeys with makeup. You were now ready to face the day, well ready as you could be. 

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