Chapter 11

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Waking up in someone else's bed seemed to now be a frequent occurrence. You opened your eyes to find yourself in Hak-Kun's bed. He was loudly snoring. You get up slowly trying not to wake him up. At this point in time, you were starting to feel like a player. Your initial plan was to get through this year with minimal distractions which included boys. But at this precise moment, you were tugging at three different boys' heartstrings. The reason you decided on no boys was actually that you hated most of humanity and not because you were doing badly in your classes. In fact, you were doing very well in your classes and were likely to pass.

You hopped in the shower then changed into your clothes from yesterday. By this time Hak-Kun had awoken from his slumber. He seemed unusually cheerful to have you around, but you knew that was only because you promised to sleep with him. However, you didn't intend to sleep with him all you had to do was get him to defend you against Sangwoo then you would go back home. You would be glad to go home after three days of not being there. You would also be glad to wear clothes that were your own for once. For the past few days, you have worn other people's ill-fitting clothes, and you were sick of it. The whole situation was driving you nuts. All you desired was to go back to your ordinary and boring life.

"So are you ready to get going?" Hak-Kun smiled. "yep," you smiled back. "You know you don't have to come if you don't want to," he said. You had never seen him be so caring, but you knew it was only so he could enjoy you later. "I want to come and cheer you on," you said sweetly. In all honestly, you wanted to see Sangwoo's reaction. "Okay if you're certain," he smiled weakly. It was almost like he was nervous, you would be if you were in his position. Considering the fact that Sangwoo was a strong muscly dude.

Car rides were extremely quiet and extremely awkward these days. Everything has been weird since the day you decided to wink at Sangwoo in the café. You regretted your decisions over the past few days deeply. You wished you had just kept to yourself and not let your curiosity get the better of you. Over the past few days, you did things you would never usually do, it was like Sangwoo was doing something to you. It was like you were under his spell.


Hak-Kun asked to meet me at the abandoned warehouse, it was an odd place to meet but I obliged. I wondered whether he was bringing y/n, or if he was going to attempt something stupid I was ready if he did, there would be no way he would get away alive.


The warehouse was massive, so you presumed it would be challenging to Find Sangwoo. Hak-Kun walked in front, clinging to your hand. It seemed like he was holding it to soothe himself and not you. He had no reason to be scared unless he attempted something stupid, you were sure Sangwoo wouldn't tolerate any funny business. It took Hak-Kun a while to spot Sangwoo. He was stood in the middle of an empty courtyard staring off into the distance. Once you spotted him a wave of fear came over you, and you felt yourself clutching onto Hak-Kun's hand. After realizing you quickly loosened your grip as you didn't want him getting the wrong idea. For some reason you harbored a terrible feeling about this, it was gnawing at your insides.

Sangwoo turned round as he must have heard you and Hak-Kun drawing closer. You and Sangwoo's eyes locked, it sent chills down your spine. His eyes looked fierce and crazy, and it terrified you. You were no longer feeling confident in your plan succeeding. In fact, you were tempted to try and run away, but you knew that would merely make it worse for yourself. You looked down at the ground to try and calm yourself. The ground was coved in small rocks and was pretty uneven. This meant there was absolutely no way you would have been able to run away since you were in heels. Gulping slightly you looked back up putting on another poker face.

"Your clever y/n" Sangwoo spoke his voice was deeper than usual. You guessed that this was his true personality shining through. In all honesty, you didn't know whether it was supposed to be a compliment, but you took it as one. "As are you," you say narrowing your eyes trying to observe his reaction. "It's laughable you bought a meat shield" Sangwoo chuckled looking at Hak-Kun. You were almost less frightened now that you were seeing his true personality, if anything you were now intrigued. "How did you persuade him to come?" Sangwoo asked looking you dead in the eye. "I have my ways," you smirked tucking your hair behind your ear. There was a silence where you and Sangwoo merely stared into each other's eyes. You were weirdly both terrified and turned on.


I gazed into y/n's eyes they were beautiful and mixed with many emotions, this was the first time I had seen proper emotion in her eyes. I wondered what she was thinking about. She was probably unnerved and rightly so. But for some reason, I could swear I could lust. It seemed like miss y/n wasn't so innocent she was slightly sick in the head just like me. The fear seemed to turn her on.

"What the hell is going on!" Hak-Kun shouted. I had forgotten he was there for a second. Hak-Kun always seemed to ruin good moments. I had had enough of it. And it looked like y/n had as well.


You rolled your eyes before turning to Hak-Kun. Out of nowhere he grabbed you and hauled you into him. He had taken you by surprise, and you wanted him to let go of you. You struggled slightly but then...


You felt a warm liquid splash you and then Hak-Kun's body falls to the ground taking you with him. Luckily you caught yourself before falling to the floor. Looking down you see Hak-Kun's lifeless body blood still seeping out of him. His eyes stared straight up. He was dead. You didn't cry, you didn't do anything just stared at his body. The sight of a dead body just reminded you of the sight of your deceased mother. What happens now? You thought to yourself.


Y/n's reaction was confusing, she just stood there staring at the body. I would have expected her to at least scream, but there was nothing. She looked deep in thought. I started walking towards her. Y/n didn't even look at me as my footsteps drew closer. I even wrapped my arms around her shoulders and got no Reaction. It was no fun when I struck no fear in my victim.


You felt Sangwoo's arms wrap around you, but you were stiff, rigid. Without thinking, you cuddled into him, head on his chest. You had no idea what you were doing, were you asking for Sangwoo to comfort you, or had you given up. It was honestly that you had given up. You didn't want to run, you didn't want to hide. It was obvious he would get you anyway. You never wanted anyone to get hurt by your foolish actions, but it was too late to change them now.


Y/n cuddled into me which I really wouldn't have expected. It was like she was surrendered, she was giving in to me, which was wonderful. I almost felt bad for y/n. Almost. "What happens now?" I heard her whisper. What does happen now? I initially intended to kidnap her, torture her, then kill her. But I didn't want to anymore. I wanted to have her all to myself, I desired her to love me and only me. Am I becoming soft? I questioned myself

Without answering her question I picked her up bridal style and carried her into my car. I placed her down in my passenger seat and buckled her in. She didn't struggle she didn't refuse she just let me do it. She was like a doll, lifeless.


After Sangwoo had placed you in his car, he went off presumably to get Hak-Kun's body. It was strange you were longer scared you felt at peace with the world. You were ready to die. It was clear Sangwoo was not going to let you go. But you were fine with it. You merely hope he wouldn't torture you too much before killing you.


Something was thrown into the trunk of the car. You possessed a good idea as to what it was. The trunk closed with a click and Sangwoo clambered into the driver's seat of the car. Sangwoo started driving. Every few minutes he would glance at you, it seemed like he was checking if you were okay. You found it rather strange. The silence in the car wasn't awkward, it was a comfortable silence. All you could think about was how confused you were. You were confused about what was going to happen. 

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