Chapter 14

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Y/n's Pov~

You watched as Saki's mouth opened like she was going to say something, but nothing came out. You looked over at her brother who merely seemed to be staring off into space, a gloomy look was displayed on his face making you feel extremely guilty. Once again Saki opened and closed her mouth. She honestly looked like a fish. You could feel that Sangwoo was tense, angry. He was clutching your hand really tightly as you and him stared at Saki and Yuri.

Saki slowly moved toward you, her eyes filled with rage and disappointment. Unable to hold her strong gaze, you looked at the floor. You felt vulnerable, if you weren't cautious you would snap out of the strong girl façade. She stopped inches away from your face and whispered "I'm extremely disappointed with you. I hope I never have to speak to you again you two-faced bitch" the more she spoke, the louder she got to the point where she was shouting"I risked my life for you, I thought you were my friend. Obviously, I was mistaken." Her words stabbed right through you were going to cry any minute. You prayed for it to stop but then...


Her hand quickly struck your face making a loud sound, before you could even react she was gone. That's when you broke silent tears streamed down your eyes. Sangwoo stared at you, his face full of anger until he saw the tears. Sangwoo bent down In front of you and pulled you into a hug, calmly shushing your soft whimpers. It wasn't the fact she slapped you, it was more that she was disappointed.

Sangwoo's Pov~

I couldn't believe my eyes y/n's supposed friend just snapped and slapped y/n in the face. I was therefore filled with rage, I was definitely going to Get Saki now. She has to pay for what she did. Only I can hurt y/n. I looked down at y/n to see her crying. I was extremely shocked, she was normally so strong, but now she was weak. I had never once seen y/n cry, but that must have blown her switch. It actually pained me to see her crying and I had no idea. It was the same feeling I had when I tried to drown her, but I couldn't put my finger on what it was. My main goal now was to comfort her. So I bent down and hugged her trying to silence her small whimpers. I was fully aware that people were staring, but I didn't care, my main priority was making sure y/n was okay.


y/n's Pov~

The rest of the day went pretty slow, Sangwoo stuck to you like glue. You had to hold his hand at all times when you were together. You also weren't allowed to go anywhere in class as he couldn't come with you. In all honesty, you didn't really mind it. The one thing you did mind was that Saki and Yuri hadn't talked to you all day. When you were still talking, you didn't really consider them as friends, but now they were gone you missed them dearly. Even though Saki slapped you across the face, you couldn't be mad because you knew you deserved it. For some reason you couldn't escape Sangwoo, it wasn't like you didn't have the chance it was more of an emotional reason. You really couldn't understand.

Once home. You expected to be beaten or raped, but nothing of the sort happened, he merely sat in the kitchen on his phone. Like an idiot you just stared at him. You didn't exactly have anything to do. No phone, no TV, not even any books. So all you could do was spend time with Sangwoo. After about five minutes of you staring at him, he looked up smiling. You had seen that smile before. It was a shifty smile, a smile meaning something bad was going to happen.

Sangwoo stood up and looked down at you still smiling. You couldn't lie his size terrified you he always seemed to tower over you not to mention he was very physically fit. "You know, I still haven't punished you for trying to run away the other day," Sangwoo smirked. Fear ran through your body, the only thing you didn't want was to be tortured. Lucky for you that wasn't what he had in mind.

You were lifted by your waist and placed on the tabletop. You crossed your legs as you really weren't in the mood. Clearly, Sangwoo wasn't going to have that, so he forcefully uncrossed them with ease Sangwoo started to kiss your neck and his hand started to trail up your thigh, into your skirt. You knew what was going to happen next, and we're just glad that it wasn't torturing.

Knock knock

A quiet knock on the door caused Sangwoo to come to stop what he was doing with a sigh. "Oh I forgot to tell you we have a visitor." it was odd to you that there was a visitor. Sangwoo had friends, but he never seemed to hang around them, especially after school.


Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!

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