Chp. 1 ~ "Sure I don't care."

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Sorry this took a long time to get out, my bad...

Third person pov...

Izuku was on his way to school. He decided to leave a few hours earlier than everyone else because he didn't feel like being stopped by Bakugo and his group of tormentors. The tormentors included bakugo, a few of his followers and his girlfriend Yua. Yua for some weird reason hated izuku and he didn't know why but he didn't really care enough to find out.

He got to class hours before anyone else and decided to draw a bit. He put his airpods in and drew a famous kpop artist Jimin from BTS that he loved listening to. He was half Korean because of his dad and loved the culture just as much as he loved Japanese culture.

Izuku was so into his drawing he didn't notice that his class (minus the tormentors) was filing into the room

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Izuku was so into his drawing he didn't notice that his class (minus the tormentors) was filing into the room. (Just to mention they were all in middle school so ua hasn't happened) They saw that izuku was really into something so they walked over and saw him drawing. They were shocked that the one they called useless was actually a really good artist. Soon izuku noticed them and they quickly looked away. He didn't want to be rude and invited them to sit and watch him draw which they accepted with hesitance. Mainly because they were so rude to him and here he was inviting them over. They were confused but didn't try fighting it.  He was one of the strongest in school and that was the main reason why Bakugou hated him. So Bakugo would almost always find a way to make izuku mad which never really worked so he resorted to spreading lies which no one really believed but didn't wanna make Bakugou mad so they went with it.

Soon bakugou and his little group came into the classroom to see that izuku was being crowded by the whole class and he found it annoying  so he walked over with Yua and saw izuku's drawing. He of course got mad and tried to grab the book which izuku quickly blocked with one of his quirks. (I'll introduce them in the next part.) He tried attacking again but the teacher came in and he along with his group sat down and the day continued.

~at the end of the day at home~

Izuku was at home watching a movie on his couch. He had been living alone because of his mother dying due to a villain attack around a month ago. He suddenly got a call from his dad. He picked up after finding it in the pile of covers, pillows and snacks.

Hisashi-Hey son! How are you doing?
Izuku-I'm good dad, what about how?
Hisashi- Good thanks! Oh I have to ask you something I've been wanting to ask...
Izuku- Ask what?
Hisashi- If you wanted to come to Korea with me and my husband? Its just i don't want you in japan by yourself Izuku-Yeah sure i don't care

Ok thats it for this chapter hope you enjoyed the remake... I'll start on the next chapters as soon as i can but school is being a major pain. have a good day/night/afternoon you guys!

word count- 557

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