Chap. 5 ~the party + confession?~

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Third-person pov~

After getting ready everyone got in the car and headed to the party. Cupid was in the front with Izuku's private driver. Ayano and Silvia were in the middle seats watching Black butler while  Izuku and Masaki were in the far back cuddling (oooh). The whole group could tell the two liked each other. The thing is they both were very aware they liked each other and they'd kiss each other or cuddle; they just never made it official. Until tonight that is.

"Hey Izuku, you excited for the party?" Ayano asked turning around to see two of her friends cuddling, although it was normal by now so she didn't say anything. "Yeah, I never got the chance to do this back home so it's having some freedom." Izuku had a small sad smile on his face so Masaki hugged him tighter in an attempt to cheer him up. (and it worked) the group learned about his backstory a few months after meeting him. He wanted to make sure he could trust them before he said something. They all felt bad for him and did everything they could to help him through it. 

Izuku's pov

I felt saki hold me tighter. I guess he could sense I was getting sad from the topic. I relaxed my body to show him that I'm ok. Which worked but he kept his grip just to be careful. I ended up closing my eyes, not sleeping just resting since I knew the ride would be long.

I tried relaxing a bit more but i couldn't really get comfortable so i moved around a bit 'till i was in the perfect spot. Saki didn't seem to mind, he unwrapped his arms around me so I could move freely. He smiled when he saw that I got comfortable and wrapped his arms back around me. We just talked a bit until we pulled up to the house.

Masaki's pov

Once we reached the house, Izu looked up and got really excited and once the car stopped we all thanked the driver like normal and walked up to the house. The house was really nice. Around the size of izu's

We said hi to the person hosting the party and then went off to do our own thing. Everything was actually really fun. There were different games and drinks for us to try, both alcoholic and nonalcoholic since they wanted everyone to have something. Ayano and Silvia were on the couch, cupid was talking to other people at the party and me and izu were in the kitchen because I saw cake. Ayano got an idea to start a live but asked the house owner before to make sure it was ok. They said it was fine so izu started it on his phone because he had more followers.


Insta names
Izuku- kuripika_slc (slc = secret love child)
Masaki- Ace_of_carbs (that was on purpose)
Ayano- dramatic_wHo
Silvia- aphro_WhO
Cupid- arrow_bitch

Third person pov- In japan

In the common room at ua (let's pretend that they always had dorms) Mina was scrolling through Insta when she saw that  kuripika_slc is going live she quickly clicked it and started watching it on the couch. "I'm bored," Kaminari said out of the blue, causing everyone to avert their attention towards him. "We can watch this live on my phone," Mina blurted out and everyone turned to her. "I'm watching this one guy and him and his friend group is really fun! They're at a party right now so I think it'll be fun to watch." The class agreed and Mina hooked her phone up to the tv and they all started watching the group.

About 10 minutes into the live bakugou came out of his room to see what the "extras" were doing. When he walked out the room he saw the tv and a familiar person on the tv and realized it was "DEKU?!" he thought in his mind staring at the tv with wide eyes. He walked over to the class and asked, "Who the hell are you guys watching?" the class jumped a bit then turned to look at him. "Oh we're watching someone Mina follows. I think his name was-" "izuku?!" Yua thought shocked. She was standing next to katsuki but didn't notice until she looked up from her phone. "-Izuku" "Whatever" bakugou said with a huff. He sat down on the couch with Yua next to him.

The live was somewhat normal although Bakugou and Yua were surprised izuku had friends. Suddenly someone took izuku's phone and pointed towards him and a black haired boy. Mina started squealing and everybody was confused until izuku and the boy kissed. "Finally!!!! I've been waiting for this for like forever." "What was so exciting? You screamed really loudly." Jirou said, rubbing her ear. "Sorry sorry its just, everyone who follows him or anyone in the group knows those two have liked each other for like- forever and it looks like they're finally together."

Bakugou's pov

What the hell?! Since when was the nerd popular and he actually got someone to date him?! Ugh well atleast i dont have to see him anymore...Damn nerd.

Third person pov- Back in Korea

After the party izuku said by to everyone and ended the live. Him and the rest of the group went home and Masaki ended up staying with izuku and his dads.

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