Who's the LOV?

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Third-person pov

It's been about a week since the training camp has started. The exchange students have been really on edge and izuku has started to notice. They've been looking around constantly and when Cupid asked why they vaguely answered with, " Nothing just a gut feeling." Izuku decided to look into their life in Japan, wondering if something there would cause them to be so paranoid. After researching he was shocked. He knew of the LOV but not to this extent. He called the group to his and Misaki's room for a group meeting. Silvia and Ayano walk in with cupid and Seo tiredly rubbing their eyes.

"You called?" Izuku turned from his computer to face his friends. "You guys might wanna sit down for this."  The four were confused but complied. Izuku and Masaki's dorm was similar to that of an apartment. They had a kitchen, two bathrooms, a bedroom, and a living area. The reason they have such a nice room is that his parents are funding this camp and he asked his dad if he could have his own room with Masaki.  Izuku connected his laptop to the tv and played several videos of the LOV attacks in Japan. Seo's face was blank, the girls looked shocked and cupid was still trying to wake up and make sense of it all.

    After about 20 minutes of watching these videos, Seo spoke up. "UA has always been attacked, due to its standing as a hero school,  but to me, it seems as if the LOV has a personal hatred for this class in particular. One would think that they did something for this sort of treatment had the LOV not been villains." Izuku turned from the TV and looked at Seo questioningly for a moment before responding, " You may be right, but we have to remember, villains aren't just villains for the fun of it. If anything they might have been pushed by heroes or wrong by them and now feel the need to take it out of heroes in training as a means to stop what happened to them to anyone else." The group of 5 looked at Izuku before nodding. Cupid went on their phone to research more on the LOV and its people. What had only been a way to show his friends why the exchange students were on edge all the time, turned into a full night of research and a lot of coffee and energy drinks.

Time skip to the next day

    The 6 were extremely sluggish the next day. The UA students thought it was a blessing in disguise as they weren't as harsh as they had been the days before. They were a lot more lenient and weren't as quick to catch some of the mistakes they made. The teachers took notice and had just assumed they were being normal teenagers and went to sleep late.

    It was around lunchtime when the 6 thought it would be a good time to bring their research to their teacher. They went to the table where the teachers sat and tapped her on the shoulder. Ms.Y turned around to see 5 of her students and their friends. Cupid decided they would be the one to speak up first. "Heyy Ms.Y, we need to talk to ya. Asap."

    Ms.Y was stunned by their lack of knowledge of what happened in Japan, at Ua specifically.  Upon further inspection, they concluded that Ua didn't want international news or anything of this getting out so they kept it quiet. How they kept something this big quiet, they don't know. "How did you all find this out?" "Izuku found everything Ms," Cupid said, closing the laptop. The dark-haired teacher turned to the boy in question with an expecting look. " I wanted to find out why the UA students always seemed so jumpy and on edge. I thought looking into their life In Japan might help. I didn't expect to find all this out but I did." Izuku said, scratching his neck sheepishly. "Some of this seems classified. I wouldn't think the public knows the villains' entire backstories." She says, reading over everything once more. "I may or may not have hacked into the UA database to find information..." "Cupid..." "Sorry, Ms.Yang!"

*Time skip*

"Alright for training today, you guys will all be put into your groups and taken into the forest and find your way to Bukhansan and back to camp. Groups are allowed to merge if your team leader agrees. Good luck and don't die. I don't feel like filling out paperwork." The six giggled when Mr.Aizawa finished talking and turned to their groups smirking. "Let's get started"


Misaki & Izuku |  todoroki,bakugou, yua, kaminari, uraraka, kirishima, Iida, and mina,  Monoma, Kendou, Tetsutetsu,Ibara,Tokage, Awase, Komori, and pony.

Cupid & Seo | their group

Silvia & Ayano | Their group


As the groups split off, Masaki felt a hostile presence within the group. His first thought was that the groups had merged and the two classes didn't like each other. But the further they went he realized the negativity was placed towards Izuku. After a couple of miles of walking, he realized who it was coming from. Bakugo Katsuki. Masaki stuck close to him just in case the blonde tried something. They walked for miles until it became dark. "Let's set up camp here, sound good?" A chorus of yes's and please resonated through the group and Izuku chuckled. Everyone got to work setting up except for two...

Izuku's pov

While gathering wood for the fire, I heard footsteps behind me. Two to be exact. One was more graceful while the other was somewhat rough. Like an elephant. I then heard a rough voice I didn't wanna hear along with a dreaded nickname I hated so much. "DEKU" hear we go again...

"Katsuki, Yua what a pleasure to see you both," I say in a sarcastic tone. "Don't get an attitude with us Deku!" Damn, I forgot how god awful her voice was. I mentally roll my eyes and turn around to see the two trying to look intimidating.

"Is there something you need?" I ask Yua scoffs for so reason and opens her mouth. Unfortunately. "Who do you think you are? Just because you and your little friends are training us, doesn't mean your anymore useful because your not. You're still the same useless de-" "Do you ever shut up?" I've always wanted to cut her off and seeing her face now is so worth it. "Aye! Don't talk to her like that-" "Aw the angry pomeranian's trying to protect his girlfriend. How cute. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to camp. You should do the same." I hum a simple tune and a few chains start to form. The chains pick up the wood I had collected before I was interrupted. The two have dumb looks on their faces while I proceed to walk away. It'll be fun to mess with them for a bit. 

*Third person pov*

"Looks like the blonde and that girl don't like that kid huh?" "Nah really?" "Oh shut up you burnt chicken nugget!" "Who the fu-" "Enough you two!"

And end! I'm so sorry this took so long I was going through heavy writer's block and I was swamped with school work. Also, do y'all have some insults I can use for Bakugo and Yua?

WC- 1,248

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