the calm before the storm/unexpected visitors

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third person pov

"Am I the only one on edge today?" Izuku looks up from tuning his guitar with a confused look. Cupid had been quiet up until that point, too focused on sharpening their arrows and seemingly too deep in thought to pay much attention to their surroundings. The group had been worried considering Cupid was a very lively person. "Care the explain cu'?" Seo asked from across the couch. The two had grown more over the course of the training camp and many thought they were dating though no one asked for clarification. 

"I have an achy feeling in my gut and it's been bugging me all damn day." Cupid set their block and arrows down gently and turned to their friends who they now realized had placed their full attention on them. Masaki made a gesture to continue which they did. "I've been feeling watched these past couple days and whenever I turn to look I feel a chill run down my back. There is always a pair or two of eyes and they seem to have an eerie glow to them. I went to Ms.Yang about this and she's called in some pro heroes to increase security but I can't shake the feeling." Cupid looks up and sees their friends all exchanging looks. Silvia is the first to speak up, "You're not the only one I'm afraid. From what I can see everyone has felt the shift." Ayano nods from her spot next to her girlfriend. "The only problem is..."

"Who is it?"


true to their word, security had been up'd around the camp. The UA students started asking questions with the added protection. They were worried something was going on but no one gave them answers. 

"Ugh we're not children why won't they tell us whats going on?" Uraraka exclaimed, frustrated with the lack of answers they were getting from the pros. "Why don't we ask the group of students training us? They might know something," Koda spoke up from his small corner. He'd never been a very talkative or confrontational person, but seeing how upset his classmates were getting was spiking his anxiety and he had to think of something so they didn't trigger an anxiety attack. "Thats a great idea Koda thank you," Momo smiled over at him, well aware of his anxiety and wanted to provide some type of comfort. She placed a hand on his head lightly and told the others to get ready to go ask. While everyone dispersed Yua and Bakugou looked at eachother in discomfort, not ready to face the boy they'd bullied for years after the way he acted the last time they'd met. 

"Do you think he'd tell them or rather us anything?" Yua had been hell bent on the idea that izuku held some form of resentment towards them, that they were the reason he and the group had gone "harder" on their group rather than the rest. In actuality Izuku could care less and was just pushing the groups to their full potential, well all execpt masaki who was doing it on purpose. Bakugo pointed out this fact, that Izuku was doing the same to all the groups and treated everyone equally despite their pasts but Yua wouldn't listen. She had even tried confronting the young male but bakugo swiftly put a stop to that before it happened. "He won't turn the extras away because of us. He's not a judgemental person. Unlike us..." he mumbled that last part making sure Yua didn't catch it as she walked away with a huff.


The group had been shockingly quiet, cold and calculating once the question of the increase in security was asked. They saw it coming but not like this. The entire 1-A and 1-B class had walked to the groups cabin where they were on the porch. One by one the group looked to Izuku since it was like an unspoken rule that he was like their leader, a guide amoungst the chaos they caused daily. He merely nodded his head and Cupid spoke up, his voice tense while his eyes darted everywhere to look for those eyes he'd seen almost daily for the past couple days. "There has been someone(s) watching us around the camp grounds." Gasps could be heard throught the crowd of children and some looked visibly scared. "Do we know who?" Izuku shook his head a spoke up after staying quiet. "We have pro's patrolling around perodically, but they haven't found anything but small taunting clues left behind by the people to show that they know we're looking for them." "What clues were they?" Mina had always been a curious person and sometimes let her curiosity get the better of her, like in that moment. "Hm lets see, soo far they've found a severed hand, a bloody knife and intrestingly enough a burnt chicken nugget." Silence. Complete silence took over the room.


Izukus pov

It's been maybe 4? 5 days since they conversation with the UA students? I'm not entirely sure but then again I zoned out after a certain point. At the moment im with Masaki, laying on our bed in the cabin watching shows we've been meaning to catch up on. He was weaving his hands through my hair, small hums of satisfation coming from me as I relaxed in his hold, enjoying the safe feeling I always got from him. The episode was coming to an end when that annoying ass continue watching button appeared. I groaned while haphazardly searching for the remote. Saki chuckled at my fustration and I in turn gave him a soft glare. Though the look left my face when he softly kissed my lips. Love pouring from a single touch. I smiled once we pulled away. "Don't completely destory our bed looking for the remote love, you can use your phone remember?" I made an 'oh shit' face and he started laughing while I grumbled about being laughed at. He looks at me with a look i know all too well, love. We stare at each other for what feels like hours which was really only 10 seconds and smiled at one another. I grabbed my phone and opened the app for the remote clicking the button and resuming our show as normally, now even closer to him than before as we reveled in the serenity and peace we felt in each other's arms. 


We began training again the following morning much to everyones, including myself's, dismay. I was setting up my assigned area for the day when I felt a familiar presence behind me. I turn to meet red eyes, blazing with something i don't recognize. I raise a brow and look at him expectantly. He switches on his feet, looking as if he wants to say something. he brings his hands from behind his back and hands me a cloth. I slowly unwrap the cloth to find something I'd thought was broken years ago. A bamboo carved flute my mother had gifted to me. " did you find this?" My voice was breaking. I heard it. I didn't care. I looked up at him with teary eyes and he gave a small smile back. "The old hag found someone with a quirk to fix broken items. I've kept it on me in case I might have the chance to...return it." The tears in my eyes threatening to spill fell over the border as I leapt up and gave him a tight hug. He hesitantly hugged me back and I cried quietly into his shoulder. After a couple minutes we let go and i wiped my eyes. 

"Thank you"

"No problem nerd."


Third person pov

Izuku had placed the flute in a safe and secure space and left for dinner, joining his friends as they made their plates. "hey what happened with the blonde earlier?" Seo asked while Cupid laid their head in his lap, eating watermelon while listening. "he gave me a very important item i thought i'd lost a long time ago." They nodded and continued eating. A loud sharp boom was heard from a far off direction followed by a cloud of smoke and 4 figure emerging from the cloud seemingly out of no where.

"Hello hero's"

Im back everyone 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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