chapter 9 -Exchange students

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Izuku's pov Lighting_Solar_Wolf   For the idea

I woke up to my alarm clock blaring into my ear. Once I was somewhat awake I got up to pick out my outfit for today. I chose a red hoodie and darkish blue ripped jeans. I brought the clothes to the bathroom, took a shower and fluffed out my hair. Papa and dad were out on a business trip, so I just went downstairs and made iced coffee. When I was done as if on cue, the doorbell rang so I grabbed my keys, my bag and my coffee and walked out the door to meet up with my boyfriend and friends.

Time skip- same pov

In our first period class, our teacher, Ms.Yang (forgot to say her name earlier) announced that the foreign exchange students would be here in around an hour or so. Damn they must've left early. Ms.Yang went to her desk and slept, and the rest of us were doing our own thing. Silvia asked if we could go to the training room around 10 minutes later, just for extra practice and the teacher agreed. We packed our stuff up and headed out the door.

Third person pov

Once the group left towards the training room Ms.Yang went back to sleep. Around 45 minutes later there was a knock at the door. The class went quiet and Ms.Yang stood up lazily and went towards the door. When she opened it she was met with class 1A and 1B along with their teachers. "Hey cousin, long time no see." "Not long enough apparently." the class snorted while Ms.Yang pouted. She turned back around, while leading the exchange students inside. The class went quiet once again and Aizawa looked at his cousin with an impressed look. "Surprised they went quiet?" "Kinda." Ms.Yang shrugged and turned to her class.

"These are the exchange students along with their teachers. Try to at least be nice, or somewhat decent while they're here, mkay?" The class nodded and went back to what they were doing before, not really paying much attention to the exchange students. Class 1A was wondering why the class was a bit standoff-ish. Class 1B didn't really care. Ms.Yang noticed the look on their face

and turned towards them.

"My class doesn't really like talking to people. If and when they get used to you, it might be less tense." Ms.Yang saw that a few of them sigh and some had determined looks on their faces. "Don't get your hopes up though because it's hard to get close to them, and a few of my students aren't here." A few of them visibly tensed and she chuckled. "I'll take you all on a tour, follow me."

Time skip- same pov

Ms.Yang toured both classes showing them the cafeteria, the classrooms they would be in, The gym, pool area, and more. The last place they had to go was the training room. "Before we go in, my other students are in this room, don't disturb them while they're training ok?" Both the exchange class nodded and Ms.Yang opened the door.

Once they walked in they saw cupid at the punching bags. Silvia was surrounded by a bunch of roses and pink mist, which she was trying to contain. (it's part of her quirk) Ayano was manipulating vines from rose bushes. In the far right corner of the room, Masaki and Izuku were sparring. Ms.Yang cleared her throat and the 5 turned to her. Their quirks deactivated and Ms.Yang began to talk. "These are the exchange students. Try to be nice, yeah?" The group of 5 smirked and replied in unison. "Yes ma'am." Aizawa caught the slight smirk on his cousin's face and sighed silently "This is gonna be hell isn't it?"

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