Chap. 3 I'm glad i met them

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Third person pov

Izuku woke up due to his loud alarm clock. (I swear I hate those they get on my nerves) He got dressed and went downstairs to see his dad and step-dad. "Morning!" Izuku said with a soft smile on his face. "Morning izuku." Reiji said, returning the same soft smile. "Good thanks." "Morning kiddo, where are you going today?" Hisashi asked him while sipping his coffee. "I was thinking of getting a makeover. What do you think?" "do whatever makes you happy zuku." Hisashi said, smiling at his son. "Yay thanks dad I'll see you guys when i get back." Izuku bid them both goodbye and left for the garage.

Once izuku got his car, he went to the mall. He accidentally bumped into someone and as he was going to apologize a familiar voice was heard. "Izuku?" Izuku looked up to see the group of people he made friends with yesterday. "Oh hey, Didn't think to see you here." izuku said. "Oh I don't think we introduced ourselves, I'm Masaki." The black haired boy now known as Masaki said, "The girl with Brown-ish pink hair is Silvia," Silvia waved. "The other girl with pinkish blue hair is Ayano, Silvia's girlfriend." Ayano looked up from her phone with a smile and looked back down. "And the red-head is cupid, They're nonbinary by the way." Izuku smiled at the all. "I'm izuku." He said and they all smiled back at him.

"What are you here for, if you don't mind me asking." cupid asked. "Oh i'm getting my hair dyed. I'm kinda over the green." Izuku said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Ooooh what color?" Ayano asked intrigued. "I think white and cotton candy highlights (basically blue and pink highlights) ." Izuku said while walking to the shop with the rest walking with him. "They would look really good." Cupid said with a slight smile on their face. "Thanks cupid, on were here y'all coming in with me?" Izuku asked, looking back "Yeah we don't wanna stay out here." Silvia said shyly. Izuku saw that she was shy and softly smiled to make her more comfortable. She saw and appreciated it, it's like his smile made her more comfortable.

They all went into the shop and izuku told the stylist what he wanted and his new friends helped him pick the exact style that would look good. They walked out of the shop once they were done and Izuku liked his new look. (same pic in the oc chapter btw.)

"Love the new hair zuku!" Ayano said, taking a picture of him to post on her insta. "Thanks 'yano." Izuku said looking back at the group. "I really enjoyed this guys, back at my old school nobody really talked to me." Izuku explained. His voice sounded sour thinking back to his life in japan. "I'm sorry 'bout that Z, but you got us now and we'll make sure we never hurt you in any way!" Izuku smiled at Ayano's enthusiasm. "Thanks." "Oh can i have your phone so i can't put all of our phone numbers and insta's in?" "Sure go ahead." Izuku handed her his phone and once she was done she handed it back and they hung out the rest of the day.

Izuku's pov~

Once I got home after the mall, I greeted my parents and it turns out they loved my hair which I was glad. When i got to my room I got a message from Masaki. He asked if he could add me to

the gc with our friends in it. I responded yes and I texted my friends the rest of the night. At some point i was only texting 'saki because everyone else went to sleep. I'm glad I met them.

Hey guys! hope you enjoyed!

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