The woods- chap 11

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I'm only doing the 2 most relevant groups in the story because I don't feel like naming all 40.In the 1st main group is todoroki,bakugou, yua, kaminari, uraraka, kirishima, Iida, and mina. The 2nd main group is Monoma, Kendou, Tetsutetsu,Ibara,Tokage, Awase, Komori, and pony.

Third person pov-

The next day came way too quick for class 1A and b. They were standing in front of the school looking dead. When the serpents (new group name) got there they all had coffee in their hands. "Well don't you all look excited!" cupid said in a sarcastic tone. "Cupid don't tease 'em too much. I'm sure they're tired." Silvia said, sipping her iced coffee. Izuku and Masaki were snickering in the background while cupid pouted.

"I'm just trying to raise the tension." "We know Cupid, we know." Izuku said, walking from behind with Masaki holding his arm. "We should get going if we wanna get there early." Izuku pulled out his keys and the others started to follow. "Um where's the bus?" Uraraka asked in a hushed tone. "Y'all are walking today," Cupid said while trying to suppress and laugh, "good luck." and with that they drove off.

With the two classes-"I can't believe we have to walk!" Yua said, "Would you stop complaining, it's not even that bad and you decided to wear heels for whatever reason so that's your own fault." Mina said, slightly turning around. "Who wears heels to a training camp." Jirou said under her breath. The walk took around 20 more minutes than it was supposed to with yua constantly talking breaks. Some just went on without the rest which got them extra time off for being early. As for those who stayed with the big group, they got extra training for being late

Minutes before the class got there-

"Hey pinky." Mina looked up from the bench she sat on to see Izuku with Masaki. She was internally fangirling but decided to play it cool. "Yes?" She answered as calmly as she could. "Do you know where the rest of your class is? All of 1b checked in but only you and 5 others from your class checked in." Masaki said in a monotone voice. "Well one of the girls in our class, Yua, decided to wear heels on a hike. So Kiri, Kami, Sero, Jirou, Koda and I decided to walk ahead." Izuku slightly stiffened at the name. "Alright thank you." Izuku said in a friendly tone.

Masaki's pov

Izu went stiff when the pink girl, Mina I think, said yua. From what izu told us, that Yua girl and Bakugou were his two main tormentors, so his reaction wasn't surprising. I slipped my hand in his and squeezed it gently. He glanced at me with a small smile and said his goodbyes to Mina. We both walked away and I pulled him aside from everyone else. "Are you sure you are going to be ok with this? Training the people who bullied you I mean." I asked, concerning lacing my voice. He took a deep breath and softly smiled, "Yeah I'll be fine don't worry." I nodded. We heard shuffling behind us and turned to see the rest of class 1A struggling up the rest of the


"Well look who showed up" Cupid said popping up outta nowhere. Mina looked over my shoulder to see the rest of her class struggling to get up the rest of the mountain. Class 1b was stretching While Izuku was scolding 1a for being late Ayano and cupid chimed in a few times. The loud blonde Bakugou and Yua were glaring at Izuku, but he paid no mind to them. Afterwards we proceeded with training. Izuku took the group with Bakugo and Yua with a smirk while I took a

1b group.

Third person pov-Izuku took his group deeper into the woods than the others. Kaminari was the first to notice. "Umm, are we supposed to be going this far?" The rest of the group noticed how far they'd gone and turned to Izuku who had stopped and slightly looked over his shoulder. "Don't worry, it's a part of the training. I like being in this area, it helps me focus on my quirk." Izuku then sat on a

large boulder and brought his flute that was in his bag.

He took a deep breath and started playing a soft tune. Chains started to appear swaying softly, almost like the wind was moving them. The group thought the tune was soothing and started to lose the tension they once had, except for Mina and Todoroki. He slowly started increasing the tempo and both noticed right away and quickly moved away from the chains. They also noticed how the vines started to make their way towards them so they moved to high ground away from the vines. The others didn't notice until they were lifted in the air. Vines wrapping around their feet and chains wrapping their arms and legs. Izuku had a dark look in his eyes, his hair covering

them slightly.

The group shivered while training to release themselves from the vines and chains. The more the struggle the tighter they got. Mina started to burn through the vines with her acid while Todoroki burned them. They got the vines off but the chains weren't budging. The two tried going for Izuku but the chains blocked them immediately. Bakugo even tried blowing them up but it didn't work. Eventually Izuku abruptly stopped playing and the ones that were caught dropped. "You 6," He said, pointing to the ones that got caught. "Need to work on watching your surroundings, Mina and Todoroki, good job on being attentive." Izuku said, turning to the two. "Let's head back now." Izuku said, getting up off the rock and walking back the way they came, with the students walking behind him.

I'm really sorry for not updating i just had to motivation nor idea's to continue this. Updates might be slow moving on because school is starting up for me again. That being said i hope you guys have a good day or night.

w/c- 1,032

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