Chapter 10 -the start of training-

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Izuku's pov ( ideas from Lighting_Solar_Wolf )

Once we saw the slight smirk on our teacher's face we remembered the conversation that we had a few days prior.

Flashback- the day of the announcement

Third person pov

Before the five walked out the gym to go back to class, Ms.Yang called them into another area in the hallway. "Hey teach, what's up?" Cupid asked "I have a favor to ask you five." The group turned to each other then to their teacher then nodded. "Ask away" "Ok so with the exchange students, and me teaching the class, I'll need help with the exchange students." Ms.Yang rubbed her neck while looking away. After a minute of silence izuku spoke up. "So what exactly is it that you want us to do? I'm sure we're all ok with helping," Izuku looked back at his friends and boyfriend and they all nodded, " so what do we have to do?" 

"Train them"

~Back to the present~Ms.Yang brought the exchange students along with her own back to the classroom and was going over how training would work. "So, because I still have to train my students, and you all came here for our training methods. I'll have my top students train you." Aizawa looked at his cousin with a 'what are you planning' type of look. She just smirked and turned to her top students. "Izuku,Cupid,Masaki,Silvia,and Ayano." when they heard their name they stood up from their seats. Mina was silently fangirling while the rest of class 1a and b we're looking between their teachers and Meadow high's top students.

Ms.Y (short for yang) went on to explain how the training would work. "Alright so, since my students are training you they have full control of what happens. If you have a problem with their methods, first talk to them seeing as they are the trainers. Training will alternate between the gym and training rooms, to the forest we own that is about 30 miles from the school. Depending on what the five say, you will take a bus or walk."

Ms.Y explained minor details that went along with all the training while the exchange students took in their trainers' features. A red haired enby (Cupid- they could tell by the pin he had on) , who seemed to be listening to music. Two females, one with brownish pink hair (silvia) and one with blue-ish pink hair (Ayano) who were the first one clinging to the other. A somewhat tall, black haired guy holding another cotton candy haired male -who had a lollipop in his mouth playing , while simultaneously playing with a game card. 

"Yo, Ms.Y when does this whole training thing start again?" cupid asked, twirling a pencil in their
hand. " Training starts tomorrow." "k, Thanks. Guys let's head out guys." Izuku popped his lollipop out his mouth and walked out of the room with Masaki at his side. "Good luck in hell. They're not gonna go easy on you."

-Timeskip to the next day-Well Ms.Yang wasn't lying when she said it was hell. Today was a gym day and all the classes were split into groups of 5 with 8 people. Some were on fire. Literally. Cupid was sending flamed arrows at them while sitting in a tree, listening to 'Burning pile.' He was testing their agility Masaki was testing their speed. sending cards and jet speed towards his group while they had to dodge them and quite a few had cuts and bruises. Silvia tested them on their stamina and lungs, Making them hold their breath in order to not go under her control. Ayano was just chasing them around with vines. She just wanted to hear them scream. Izuku was testing their reflexes. He was sitting in a tree playing a fast tune on his flute, causing chains to go haywire. His group

thought that it couldn't get worse. Until Masaki yelled over. "Raise the tempo!"

Both classes dropped to the floor after they said training was over. "It's forest day tomorrow." Cupid giggled before walking to his friends.

That's the end of this chapter. I'll do groups in the next chapter. Hope you enjoyed though


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