Chap. 2 "New home new friends"

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Third person pov...

After the phone call Izuku and his dad figured out all the details of him moving in with his dad and step-dad. (he's met his step-dad over the phone, like face-time ) he decided it would be better to get up then and start packing. He stood up, cleaned around the couch, took a shower and packed the clothes he wanted to take and put some to the side to wear for the trip which consisted of black yoga pants and a plain shirt.

~in the morning~

"Hm.. should i go to school today or not?" izuku asked himself while eating breakfast. He thought about it some more and just decided to head straight to the airport.He got all his suitcases and headed out the door. His dad had already sent a truck to get any boxes from the house which were not too many seeing that izuku lived alone.

Once at the airport Izuku quickly walked over to the gate his dad had told him to go to. He had on a small backpack and small rolling suitcase as his carry ons. He got confused when he saw no one at his gate so he texted his dad. His dad had told him that it was a private plane so no one but the staff would be there. So izuku got on the plane and proceeded to sit down.

Throughout the flight, the flight attendants were making sure izuku was alright while on the flight and gave him food and water. Izuku wasn't used to the special treatment but was still nice about it and didn't act rude while they were tending to him or asking questions.

After about 1 hour, 57 minutes they landed in Seoul, Korea. He looked around for his dad and step-dad once he saw them he walked over quietly because he noticed that they didn't see him. His step-dad saw him but he quickly hushed him not to tell. He snuck up behind his dad and jumped on his back making them both tumble over.

"Hey dad!" izuku yelled, not too loud though seeing that they were still in public. Hisashi aka his dad turned around after they both got up and looked at izuku with that award winning "Midoriya smile".

"Let's go home yeah?" Izuku's step-dad, Reiji said to the two. They both looked over Hisashi, smiling widely while izuku had a small, soft smile.

While they were at home izuku wanted to decorate and buy new clothes seeing that he was new and didn't have much. He went to his dad to see if he could borrow some money and pay it off after he gets settled. His dad just gave him the money and told him he doesn't need to pay him even though izuku insisted. Reiji watched with fondness as the two bickered back and forth on izuku wanted to pay until eventually Hisashi got his way and Izuku just gave up, knowing how stubborn his father was.

Once he got to the mall he got a bunch of clothes and decorations for his room. He decided to get food and go home. While walking home he got stopped by a group of older guys who were steady pestering him. He was about to use his quirk when he suddenly saw an ace card fly at them and all of the "men" dropped to them floor.

"Oh thanks." Izuku said with a soft smile when he saw a tall-ish black hard guy with a group of what he thought to be his friends behind him. "No problem! It would be wrong if we just stood there." The guys said with a smile. Izuku was glad they helped. Not that he couldn't take care of them, but he didn't want to seem ungrateful. "Wanna be friends?" A guy with red hair asked. "Sure."

When izuku got home he put up all his clothes and rearranged his room around to fit his style more. He sighed while sitting on his bed, "New home new friends..."

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