Part 7 || cat cafe ♥️ ✨

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Just a reminder that this chapter does have a lot of pictures but I also wrote a bit more because the pictures make it seem a lot longer just a heads up.

Third POV

It's been about a month since Masaki asked izuku out. Since then the two have gone on dates every Wednesday and on the weekends. One date in particular was on a Saturday. They had both just woken up. Masaki stayed the night every Friday just to make it easier for when they go out.

Izuku woke up to warm, slender arms around his waist. He tried to worm his way out so he could get ready but that only made Masaki's grip tighter. At some point he gave up and just started showering his boyfriend's face in light kisses. He at some point woke up and slightly sat up. "Morning bub" Izuku said in a soft morning voice. "Morning" Masaki's voice was also soft, just a bit deeper. (Yes I did make Masaki and izuku both softies)

"We have to get up, we're going to the cat cafe, remember?" Izuku said, sitting up fully and shaking his head a bit. "Yeah, can j borrow some of your clothes? I don't really like any I have." Masaki said getting up to stretch. "Yep let's go shower and and I'll pick some out, ok?" Masaki responded with a soft hum of approval and they made their way to the bathroom.

After their shower they got dressed and headed downstairs to greet Izuku's parents

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After their shower they got dressed and headed downstairs to greet Izuku's parents.


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