And just like that it was the end of my first year at Hogwarts. It had been eventful. Very eventful. But I didn't regret any of it.
I had finished all my assessments, and believe it or not I did pretty decently. I was excited to tell Dad, he would be so proud of me. Father on the other hand had expected me to do better, but I didnt care what he thought anyways so it didn't bother me.
Yesterday had been the End of year feast, where Gryffindor won the house cup. All thanks to my awesome half brother Harry, (I really needed to talk to him about that sometime) who defeated our defence against the dark arts teacher, Quirrell. I'm still not sure how that works but, good for him?
I had finished packing everything from my dorm, and putting all my stuff in my trunk. I was the last one to leave the room so I made sure to turn off all the lights, even though I'm sure they would magically turn off soon.
When I got to the Gryffindor common room I saw Sarah sitting on the couch by the fireplace. "Sarah!"
She turned around to face me, "hey Poppy!" I walked towards the couch and sat next to her.
"Sooo... you and Cedric huh?"
I laughed, "Well yeah, I guess."She gave me a confused look "What do you mean 'I guess'?"
"Well we never really talked about the kiss. I mean I was too busy studying and training for Quidditch. I've also been hanging out with Oli a lot, so I haven't exactly had time to talk to him.""Well talk to him now then" Sarah said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. To be honest, it kind of was.
"It's too late now. It's been two weeks since the kiss and we've got to catch the train now." I said not looking at her.
"That's bullshi-"
"What about you and Warrington though?" I cut her off.
"I'm actually waiting for him now, we're going on the train together. But don't try and change topics that easily" she said, giving me a knowing look.
"But do you see you guys getting anywhere." I continued, ignoring her.
"What is this? An interview?" she chuckled "look Poppy, we're fourteen. If something happens it'll happen. But for now I'm more than happy with just chill dating."
She then turned her attention to the portrait of the Fat lady and when it openend we saw Warrington standing there.
"Alright, I should probably go meet him. He doesn't like waiting." With that she gave me a hug and left. Minutes later I followed as well.
When I got to the train station I saw Lanti and Pen having a somewhat serious conversation.
"Are you sure I can't go to your house this summer?" Lanti was asking
"I'm sorry but you know I haven't told my parents about us yet. They don't even know I'm bi"
"I know but we could tell them toge-"
Lanti stopped as soon as she saw me and ran to hug me "There's our little Quidditch star!" she said while messing up my hair.
I smiled as Pen walked over to me, hugging me briefly. "We've basically adopted you as our Gryffindor daughter now."
"I'm not complaining" I laughed "If it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't have made it past my first day"
"Yep, you'd still be wondering what a Weasley was to this moment" Added Lanti.
I rolled my eyes jokingly and we started walking towards the train, talking about my first year at Hogwarts and how amazing it had been.
After I said goodbye to Lanti and Pen, I grabbed my trunk and started heading towards the exit of Platform 9 and ¾.
But before I could get there I was stopped by a tall figure, dressed in black. No doubt it was Father.
"Goodbye Poppy, have a nice summer" he said with some emotion in his voice.
"Goodbye Father, I'll see you soon" The conversation was incredibly awkward, so to try and diffuse the tension I gently hugged him. It wasn't a very nice hug, but it was a hug nonetheless.
"Where's your adoptive father?" he said when we broke apart. It angered me for some reason that he always referred to Dad as my 'adoptive father'. I mean he wasn't wrong, but Dad was more of a Father to me than Snape would ever be.
"He's meeting me outside the station, he's a shy person" I replied
Father turned around to leave but then it was as if he realised something. "Poppy, what was the exact reason why he said he wouldn't come pick you up at the station?"
I eyed him suspiciously but replied nonetheless "He said something about this place having too many memories, I can't remember exactly"
Father's face paled a little bit, "What is your father's full na-"
But he was interrupted by a voice behind him "Poppy!"
I pushed past Father to see Oli standing with open arms.
"Goodbye Father, see you after the summer!" I called already running towards my best friend.
When I reached Oli I jumped in his arms and he hugged me tightly, spinning me around as he did.
"You promise you'll write to me all summer" He said as we parted.
"Every week" I replied
"Good." he smiled, "See you next year then Pops"
"Goodbye Wood"
And with that I left to meet Dad in the car outside Kings Cross Station.
A/N: im sorry there was so much dialogue in this chapter, what are your thoughts on that? Do you prefer when I use more description or was this okay?
Also this is nowhere near the end of the book! Theres still a loootttt ahead of us, so get ready for whole lot of plot twists

Counting Stars || Poppy Snape
FanfictionThe new year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was fast approaching. After Dumbledore received a notice from the Ministry of Magic that one of his students had preformed underage magic, his curiosity was spiked. However, after further r...