Me and Father had been on rocky grounds. We had continued our private lessons till I finally mastered the art of Legimency. I had spent the end of term holidays with my Dad back home and it had been amazing. My best friend there coincidentally had holidays as well so we were finally reunited.
And on top of all that there was the Quidditch finals against Ravenclaw. Perfect.
"Oi Poppy"
I turned around to see Oliver and immediately smiled. "What's up Wood"
"You know I still find it annoying that you can call me by my last name but I can't" He sighed
"I already told you, if Snape is too weird for you then just call me Evans"
"I'm not calling you by your dead mum's last name"
My heart fell a bit, but I pretended nothing happened.
Oli noticed though. I mean of course he did. He was my best friend after all.
"I'm so sorry Poppy-"
"Don't be stupid, its fine" I chuckled, brushing the incident off. "Besides it's not all that, I'm just feeling stressed about the end of year tests coming up"
"Oh well if it's that bothering you" Oli started "I can help you study. I mean not to sound cocky or anything but I am the Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team"
I laughed. I don't know what I would do without Oli to help me.
"That would be awesome"
A/N: hey guys, this is the shortest chapter I'm probably ever going to write. It's just since I haven't updated this story in like 3 months I need a bit of time to get back into it (that sounds weird lol). But I promise a very interesting chapter will be out in no time!
Hint: there will be some romance

Counting Stars || Poppy Snape
أدب الهواةThe new year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was fast approaching. After Dumbledore received a notice from the Ministry of Magic that one of his students had preformed underage magic, his curiosity was spiked. However, after further r...