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it's literally been 2 years since i wrote this story and i cannot bring myself to read it because it's the cringiest stupidest thing i've ever seen 😭😭

literally how did people read this and like it.

anyways since i'm never going to finish this i thought my readers from 2 years ago who def don't give a single fuck about this book would want to know what i had planned for it.

im going to copy straight from the google doc i had.

- Working on occlumency
- Bring up her dad
- Not enough to give away anything

- Almost the end of year
- Walking through the corridors after revising for assessments
- Runs into harry and ron + lockhart
- "Can i talk to you harry?"
- "I relly cant right now" - on his was to cos
- "This is important" hesitates while telling him about half brother
- "Harry we really hve to go" - ron, before she can say anything

- All petrified people saved
- Sees ron + harry in infirmary
- Pen wakes up nice moment - percy interrupts

- End of year feast
- Exams cancelled
- Head back home

- Hermione doesn't trust her ("she appears on your first year, it sure is suspicious" - cos)
- People think she's the heir of slytherin
- Pen's parents don't take it well → "we're stronger than this Pen! We can get through
this!" then Pen says "No Lanti, I love you with my whole heart, but we can't" Near the end of chamber of secrets

- She's dyslexic (hard to remember names)
- Her best friend is Fleur Delacour who she knew from her summer camp in france
- What was the underage magic she did? Wasn't her, fleur
- Dumbledore sends her on mission
- What were Lily and James fighting about?
- PARSELTONGUE - that's what dumbledore wanted to say to her
- Lily gave her a magic concealment potion, scared of how dangerous the wizarding world
was. - removed by remus when dumbledore found out
- Remus suspected - they were similar
- Her occlumency shields were put in place by a person - lily, they were a side effect of the
concealment potion
- Has a lesson on werewolfs - figures out abt Lupin
- "I'll love you forever Ced" "You will" "Yes, that's the problem"
- Jumper belonged to either sirius or lily (sirius sees it in the poa)
- Snapie - cute nickname??
- Percy calls Penelope pen. But she tells him no (that belongs only to Lanti) - calls her
- Before cedric dies he says "look at those stars, they're so bright because I'm going to
win" - then when she finds out he's dead, the last sentence is "the stars seemed to have
dissapeared completely, except for one which was brighter than the moon itself."
- Cedric and Poppy's thing is: "forever"
- Stars on chapter 21
- Person who was around when she was younger was sirius
- When her and Cedric date in GOF harry is mad at her (he likes ced)

- She's going to die - after a battle
- She's lying down with whoever she picked
- She says, "please don't be sad. Just look at the sky, and count the stars" "there's too
many of them. They're endless" "Just like my love for you"
- And taking her final breath, Poppy Snape-Evans joined the stars. Shining bright in the night sky.
in the end i decided that she would date cedric until he died and then date oliver cause she's a player like that.

this is so fucking corny i hope no one i know irl ever reads this and figured out it was me because i'd kms.

anyways i'm kinda proud of younger me because although the execution was horrible the ideas and plot wasn't that bad. if i wrote this now it would have potential.

also i swear to god if any of the 3 people reading this steal my idea i will end your life.

in conclusion, let's all cut past me some slack and make fun of how ridiculously cringy this is.
on a real note tho i only skimmed through this to read the comments and i love and appreciate all of you for making a 14 year old girls day with your kind words.

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