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I had gotten a detention. Of course I had. There was no doubt about that. But it was worth it. 100% worth it. I would do it again even.

I mean, I had earned everyones respect. The Gryffindors and Slytherins. And as I had found out in my two months here at Hogwarts, word travels fast. So soon all the houses were talking about my fight with the "scariest Professor at Hogwarts".

However all this fame did come with a price. My relationship with Father was now ruined. I mean I wasn't complaining, I had a much better one with my adoptive dad. But Snape did miss 14 years of my life then showed up suddenly. Did he really expect me to instantly adore him? How naïve did he think I was?

Anyway, on a brighter happier note, I decided to try out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. I don't know why, I was never good at sports in my muggle school, but something about flying on enchanted brooms just hits different.

So as I made my way to the field (again getting lost), I ran into a tall Gryffindor boy who was carrying a broom.

"Careful," He muttered before walking straight past me.

"Hey! Wait up!" I called out to him although he only slowed down his pace, clearly in a rush.

"Can we talk late-" And then he turned to face me. He looked at my dark scarlet robes.

"Are you trying out for the Quidditch team?" He asked with a heavy Scottish accent, I nodded.

"Good follow me." And with that he led me to the field as he kept talking, mostly to himself. "And if that stupid git Percy hadn't stopped me I wouldn't be late for the Quidditch trials that I'm supposed to be leading..."

"So what's your name?" I asked, clearly interrupting his thought process.

"I'm Oliver Wood. A fifth year. Proud keeper and captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team"

"Chill man, I was asking for your name not your life story" I laughed at his annoyed face, but as soon as I did it quickly melted into a smile.

"Now, that wasn't very nice, was it?" He said finally stopping to properly face me. In that moment I realised how tired I was and how fast he actually walked. I also realised that this Oliver fellow wasn't half bad when it came to looks.

"Well, no time for delay when it comes to Quidditch! Let's go! This is going to be our year, I can feel it!"

And with that he started walking hurriedly away from me towards where I assume the pitch was, leaving me staring like an idiot at where he had been standing mere seconds ago.


The trials weren't that bad. I mean for my first time playing Quidditch, I was amazing. But compared to the other players, maybe not that good.

But I have to say, the trials sure were fun. Even though Oliver was strict when it came to his favourite sport, he was quite fun when he didn't have a broom up his ass.

The twins however, were amazing. I had read all about their mischief in my detention with Cedric, and they defenitely lived up to all their epic pranks.

During the match they enchanted one of the hit-people-balls to chase Oliver around and it was quite hard not to laugh when he was flying away telling them to stop. If they were one year older our lessons would be so entretaining.

When it was my turn to "show my skills" I realised that I knew absolutely nothing about the wizarding sport. But Oliver was quite helpful with that. He told me I should try out for a Chaser since they already had a mystery Seeker. After he explained to me what the Chaser's job was, it was time for me to do the thing I'd been looking forward to the most. Fly.

It was amazing but I got very easily distracted. Everything was so new to me I completely forgot that I was supposed to be scoring the ball in the goals. It was very similar to football. Except, you know, you fly, you use brooms, there's magic in it... Okay so maybe not so similar to football.

In the end I surprisingly did really well, I scored 6 out of 10 shots, which Oliver said was "Absolutely brilliant!" for a first timer.

After me there were only the twins and two more people trying out for beaters. But it was clear who was going to get that position.

After Oliver brought everything to a close I returned my broom and started heading back to the Gryffindor tower.

But before I could leave, I felt someone grab my wrist and pull me in close, wierdly sending shivers down my spine when I realised who it was. Oliver. "I'm not supposed to say anything Poppy, but if I were you, I'd buy a new broom." And with that he left me staring like an idiot at where he had been standing mere seconds ago. Again. 


A/N: hey guys! I just wanted to tell you that I changed the cover for this story (even though you've probably already noticed). Any thoughts on that? Anyways, I hope you're enjoying this so far :) 

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