Strange things

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I woke up to a noise outside. I jolted out of bed and looked at the window, only to see that it was only a branch that was hitting my window. I let out a breath and tried to calm down a bit. My dog had also woken up and was looking at me. I petted my dog and turned on the lamp that was on my nightstand. The room lit up, and I once again looked at the clock; it was 3.58.

" Stupid branch"

I cursed out; I knew getting back to sleep was near impossible now since I wasn't tired anymore. I got up from my bed, trying to be quiet not to wake my father up. I put on some more clothes and headed out of my room; I was going to go and take a walk.
I have always gone for walks in the late hours of the day, and the neighborhood was generally very safe, so there was no real danger.

I take my keys and then walk out the door. It wasn't raining anymore, luckily. But the ground was still a bit muddy, and the air was still almost foggy. I walked again around the park; this time, there was no one.

This time, I decided to take the town route. I know that the nearby store was open 24 hours. I had some money in my pocket, so I decided to get something to eat. The walk there was slow, and honestly, it was pretty windy too. Then I heard footsteps coming from behind me.

I move to the side of the road, just in case they want to pass me. But they didn't; I looked behind me and saw the same man in the park yesterday. His white hoodie was stained with this light dark red color, and he had his face put down again. But weirdly, I felt like he was looking at me.

I started to walk a bit faster and faster. I see the store's lights, and I slow down a bit and I look behind me. He was still there, but he had stayed in the darkness of the streets and didn't leave the dark road. I walked to the store, debating on what to do.

I counted my money; I had about 5 dollars/ euros. I decided to buy a bag of candy, a water bottle, and some small cookies. I walked out of the store and looked into the darkness of the street, and I saw him again. He was leaning into a street lamp. I walked closer and closer to him. He had put his hood up, and he was looking up. His hair looked messy and a bit dirty, to be completely honest; he was looking down.

I then reached into my pocket and took the water bottle and the cookie package out. I walked closer to him, and as I was about to pass him, I stopped. He looked like he could use some help. So I decided to walk close to him, again leaving some space between us.

" Excuse me, sir."

He moved his head up again so that I couldn't see his face, but rather see that he heard me.

" You looked like you would need some help. Here, you can have these"

I said. I handed him the bottle and the pack of cookies. He moved his hand once again to mine and took the. His hands were warm this time, but something warm was left on my finger, but I didn't dare to question it. I smiled at him; he chuckled a bit.

" Thank you, once again."

" I noticed that you were walking from the same area as me to this place. Would you mind walking with me? I understand if you don't want to"

" I would love to."

He answered as he stood straight and started to walk with me. We walked in silence until I decided to break the silence.

" If you don't mind me asking, but is everything alright? Seeing that you were yesterday just sitting in the rain?"

" I could ask you the same, but I was just lost in thought, I guess."

" Oh, okay. I hope that everything is alright."

I said as you started to near your house.

" Thank you for walking with me. I need to get home now. My name is Y/n, by the way."

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