The start of a new life

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Waking up to your dad throwing up isn't exactly the best way to start your day, but it was the thing that woke me up this morning.

I ran to find him, only to see him in the bathroom, thank goodness. As I returned to my bedroom, I noticed the machete, and I was immediately brought back to the realization of what had happened last night and that my dad hadn't woken up to all the noise in the house. My attention darted to the small amount of blood on the side of my bed; I didn't bother to start cleaning, so I just made my bed and got dressed.

As I was changing my shirt, I looked at my window, and from the corner of my eye, I could see the neighbor's window and Simon watching.....watching me through the window. He smiled at me but turned away quickly after I looked at him and walked away from the window. I turned away from my window after a few moments and went to continue my morning routine.

I heard a tap on the window, and I turned my head to look at the window only to see, once again, a rose on the window. As I opened the window to grab the rose, I saw Simon's dad talking to my dad on the driveway, both very, very hungover. I grabbed the rose and closed my window; the rose was typical and was just cut since it still was very fresh looking and alive.

I put the rose on my desk as I decided to clean my room today since it was an absolute hot mess, but soon that idea died when I heard the front door close and footsteps running to my room, which I immediately knew was odd since I could still hear my dad talking outside with the neighbor. I feared the worst and took the nearest thing to me to defend myself.

My room's door opened, and I saw a now familiar figure of Jeff in my doorway. He looked at me and started to laugh; I was confused by his laughter u til I looked at my hand and saw that I was holding the laundry basket that I had gotten in my hands and ready to swing it. He laughed a husky laugh before walking towards me and gripping my wrist, pulling me closer to him.

I stopped the movement, but it was too late; I knew in the back of my mind that something was odd about this guy, like really bizarre, but at the same time..... he was a compelling character. I was so caught in my thoughts before he snapped his fingers right in front of my face, and I realized I had been staring at him.

"Take a picture; it will last longer, my dear."

He said, and I just looked at him, almost baffled; he chuckled slightly at my reaction to his words before he, too, saw that I didn't pull away from the position that we were now in. Jeff put his free hand on my back and pulled my body closer to him, and eventually, our bodies were up against one another.

His other hand was holding my other arm up, and I was still holding the goddam pillow. He put his head onto my shoulder, and I could feel his breath on my neck, and I relaxed to his touch almost, but I could from his skin... the smell of bleach, charcoal, alcohol, and the scent of blood. A fascinating mix, as one could says in this very situation, but I still stayed close to him and let him be close.


"Yes, is everything alright?"

"Yes, my dear, do you remember the night we. kissed"

, He said, and I stayed quiet for a moment before I nodded. He pules even closer to him, and we just need to be in that position until we hear the front door open.

"Y/n, get here right now!"

I could hear my dad yelling for me from the front door. I pulled away from Jeff and ran out of my room to see what he wanted right now, as I saw my dad at the doorway. He looked confused and worried.

"Did someone come into the house?"
" I think no one did expect you."

I said back to him, and he furrowed his eyebrows he started to look around the living room first and moved closer and closer to my room. I was terrified; after all, I had left Jeff in my room with no warning whatsoever, and I just hoped that he had hidden somewhere because if my dad saw him In my room.... he would most definitely get the gun since Jeff didn't look like a regular guy with his cut smile and overall he appeared to be more strange than some other guys.

As he approached my door, he looked back at me and saw my expression.

"Are you hiding something from me?!"

He was clearly upset now, and he also seemed to be still a bit drunk, if I'm sincere, he swung my door open only to see my room to be empty, but that was soon to be wrong. He stepped into the room to look around, and as his back was turned to my closet, I saw Jeff running from the cabinet towards my dad he hit him with one of my books, my dad fell over, and Jeff just stood there, breathing heavily, still holding the book. He looked at me and just gave me a smirk; he walked to me and was shocked when I backed away. The blow he had hit my father with had knocked him out, but wasn't dead.

Jeff walked to me and placed his hand on my cheek, and caressed it with his thumb, and he saw that I had fear in my eyes. He gave me a genuine smile, but at the same time, I saw my dad lying on the floor; it was quiet until Jeff broke the silence.

"Pack your bags, we are leaving, and will start a brand new life. Just you and me."

This idea was horrible, but at the same time, I had nothing to loose at that moment, so I nodded. Jeff helped me pack my bags, and soon we left from the front door, but before I did that, I decided to take a photo with me. It was a photo taken way before the chaos, and it had my whole family in it. I put the picture in my bag, and after that, we left for a new begging.

The Rose Of Death ~~ Jeff The Killer X Gender Neutral ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now