Don't forgive

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I saw a very familiar figure step into the room; it was Jeff. My dad was standing behind me and trying to protect others from Jeff.

I was confused, to say the least, I looked at Jeff, and as our eyes met, I couldn't do anything else but walk to him and hug him. He pulled me closer to him, and I could hear everyone gasping behind me.

I pulled away and looked at them, and I saw pure fear on their faces, and. I looked bf/n in the front, and they walked up. They looked at me and just said a few simple words that shook my world.

"He was the one that killed me that night."

They walked back, and my sister walked up next and held my hand in hers as she said.

"He was the one who attacked me that night, and he was the one who took my life in the hospital when no one else was around."

I couldn't believe it.
Then my mother walked up to me as my sister went back to the exact spot where she was standing before.

"He is a monster, and he is the reason behind my death; I didn't end my own life."

I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I listened, knowing fully well that Jeff was standing right behind me. She walked back, and next, my dad walked to me.

He stood in front of me and spoke.

"I wouldn't have stopped searching for you if I wouldn't been stopped by..... the man standing behind you."

My father looked at me and made sure I would see the massive gash in his throat. He walked back into his previous spot and next... Simon walked up. He walked to me and hugged me.

"I was trying to protect you from him all along, but I didn't know how. I am so sorry."

He said as he slowly pulled away from me and just looked at me. And with that, he walked back to his previous spot.

I now turned around to see Jeff, his head hanging low and looking up at me. Revealing his injury, he had cut his own throat wide open. But he was silent and just stood there.

I tried to speak, but my attempt was stopped by bf/n speaking.

"His faith is in your hand y/n. Do you forgive him, or do you turn your back on him."

I was quiet, and I looked at Jeff, those blue eyes I had gotten to love over the years. All of the memories from the past years flew back to me, the times we would stay up late and watch movies. Late night walks, shopping trips, and moments of us just walking around at the dark beach where no one else would be but us.

I felt the warm feeling of blood and a sharp pain in my stomach, and I looked down to see the gunshot wounds returning as permanent marks on my body.

I looked at Jeff, and he was looking at me, and he spoke.

"Yes.... they are telling the truth, my dear, and I am so sorry. I can't say anything really to defend myself other than that I am thankful that you spent the time to learn to love me and accept me. I understand fully if you don't forgive me. I love you so much, y/n, never forget that"

He said in a voice I had never heard; his words were broken and very emotion,al.

It was silent again as I looked at him and the mirror, where I saw them standing behind me. I sighed, and I spoke

"I don't forgive you; I hate you so much."

I said, and with that, I turned around to look at my family and was immediately met by my best friend pulling me into a  hug, and. I knew at that moment that the nightmare was over. My family dragged me into an embrace, and everything went blank.

And then I woke up to my dog licking my face

~that was the end of an old story... and the start of a new one~

The Rose Of Death ~~ Jeff The Killer X Gender Neutral ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now