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Four years later

I stood in the living room waiting for Jeff. That night when I ran away with Jeff was weird. Jeff had brought me into a lovely house and noted it was his house that he had been living in for some time. It was a beautiful house overall and pretty far from my father's house.

My father and the rest of my family had been looking for me for all these years until my father cut off the search after three years, but it was unknown why he cut it off. I was happier now.

Jeff and I had become a couple that evening, and we have been ever since. But the thing was, I have had weird sightings recently of a guy lurking outside of our home. The front door opening cut off this train of thoughts; it was, in fact, Jeff who came in.

"Hello, my dear."

He said as he walked to me and gave me a small kiss; his appearance had changed a lot through the years by now, and so did my appearance change as well. But I knew deep down that something had been off for some time now, he had been quieter around me and sometimes a bit aggressive, but at the same time, he was kind and loving overall.

He seemed to notice pretty quickly that I was acting weirdly, but this wasn't the first time I had seen that figure outside my windows during the day. Jeff never really told me what he did during the day, but he was obsessed with knowing what I did every minute of the day. But alone, I could see a guy behind a window.

"I have to get some more work done, and I will be back in the morning."

I nodded, and he left almost as quickly as he had just arrived. As the front door closed behind him, I could hear a window break in our bedroom; I looked towards our door, which was shut. We had always put the door closed behind us, I saw it on the couch and just looked at the door, and when the door slightly opened, I froze in my place.

Fear took over me, and I swore I could hear footsteps from our bedroom.


I decided to yell and test my luck on it just being Jeff; after all, he had more than once forgotten his keys and come through the window instead. But as the door opened, even more, I realized that it wasn't Jeff when I saw a taller and much skinnier figure..... it was Simon.

I stood up from the couch and grabbed anything that could help me, to no avail. Simon walked out of the room, he was wearing a dark grey hoodie and black jeans, and he was also wearing a black beanie that covered his hair.

"What the fuck do you want, Simon?!"

I yelled at him as he approached me, he was taller than me, but I quickly knew that I couldn't do much when I saw that he was holding something in his hand. It was a gun, and no matter how many times Jeff had tried to teach me how to fight during the past years, every piece of information had disappeared. He pointed the gun in my direction with a smile on his face.

"If I can't have you, then no one can."

He said, and he pressed the trigger. My ears started to ring from the loud noise from the gun, and I fell back when the bullet made contact with my stomach. It wasn't painful, but a warm feeling flushed thru me, and I played on the ground. Simon walked to me and looked at me before he fired two more bullets into my stomach.

My vision was going blurry as I realized that now my hands were in my blood and that this was the end. I could hear the front door open, and I closed my eyes, only able to listen to noises of violence happening. But that didn't last long before I slipped away, and everything went dark.

I opened my eyes, and I was in my childhood bedroom; I looked down to see the injury that I had sustained, only to my surprise to see nothing. No blood and as I lifted my shirt up I saw not even a scratch on the spot where it was shot, suddenly someone knocked on my bedroom door and before I could answer the door opened and I walked.....

Bf/n, they looked at me and smiled before they ran at me and pulled me into a hug; I couldn't believe my eyes and hugged them back. They held me tightly and started sobbing ever so slightly, we pulled away from the hug, and they looked at me before they spoke

"I missed you so much, although I didn't think we would meet like this, especially now."

They looked at me and before I could speak again from the open door walked in my big sister. This time I ran into her, and she immediately grabbed me into a hug, and she fell pull, ing me with her. We stayed on the ground for what felt like hours; even though we were never that close, I still saw her as my sister and as my friend.

"I am so glad to see you, you fucking idiot."

She said as she was holding me in her arms, she was crying, and in the mirror in my room, I could see bf/n crying and looking at us. I stood up and pulled my sister with me, but as I tried to speak, nothing came out.

As I realized this, I felt someone touch my shoulder from behind me; I looked behind me only to see my mom...... she looked at me and smiled at me, and wiped the tear that was falling on my face with her thumb. She pulled me out of my sister's arms and pulled me I her embrace.

"I am so sorry I couldn't protect you from him, my dear."

I couldn't do much else than hug her and cry, a cry that couldn't be heard.

I pulled back and looked at the only to see a red mark around her neck and blood on the corner of her mouth. I looked at her, and she grabbed my shoulders and turned me to look at s/n and bf/n. S/n her whole throat was open, to the point that I could see he broken neck bones; she was now wearing a hospital gown covered in her blood. She looked at me, and she knew that this was a horrible sight for me to see because I hadn't seen her since that night when she was first attacked, only to find out that she was killed in the hospital hours later.

She looked now sad so i turned to look at bf/n. Their whole face was covered in their blood, and making it almost impossible to recognize them. Their shirt was covered in red, and they looked to be in pain. I looked at all of them only to hear footsteps behind me.

I turned around to see two men, Simon, and my dad. I looked at them and immediately noticed that Simon was missing a good portion of his head, and it looked like it was smashed in. Blood was covering his face and his dark clothes. My dad..... he was in a significantly less bloody state, but his throat was slit as well. The blood was covering the sweather that he always wore, it was made by my sister as a father's day gift years ago, and he cherished it.

I ran to my father and practically jumped in his arms, and he gladly held me close.

"I am so glad to have finally found you, but not in this state."

He said as he put me down, I then looked at Simon, and he didn't even look at me but muttered

"I did the right thing."

It was now silent, the crying all around had stopped, and we stayed quiet and listened to the footsteps coming near the open bedroom door. The silence was broken by my father pulling Simon by his hand to stand with everyone else, and then he stood in front of everyone..... expect me.

The footsteps got closer and closer to the door before they stopped.

The Rose Of Death ~~ Jeff The Killer X Gender Neutral ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now