The roses

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I woke up to d/n barking; I opened my eyes and looked at them. D/n was barking like crazy while looking out the window. I got up and looked at the window; there was a red rose on my window once again. I opened the window ad took the rose. The thorns pricked my fingers when I picked it up, I took it in my hands, and the color of the rose was a regular red rose. I put the flower in the vase with the other ones.

D/n was looking at the window still.

"D/n, calm down already; there's nothing there."

I said to them; d/n looked at me and back at the window before walking to me. I sighed, and I walked to my closet to change into my day clothes. In my closet, there is a mirror, and I look at myself for a while. My eyes were still red, my hair was messy, and my figure looked almost confused. I had cried so much in the past 24 hours, to the point that I thought there weren't any more tears to cry. I changed my clothes and walked into the living room. And to my surprise, my father wasn't there, but there was a note on TV.

" Y/n, I had to leave for a work emergency. I will return hopefully tonight; I went a few dollars/euros so you can get something to eat.

Love, dad"

As I was reading the note, d/n started barking again like crazy, but this time, they looked outside the living room window and kept barking. I looked at the window and saw nothing, I decided to do something that may seem irresponsible and dumb, but I went to look outside to see if I could find the reason for d/n barking.

I opened the front door and started walking around the house; d/n was practically running in front of me and trying to look for something that wasn't there. After about 30 minutes, I went back inside, and d/n did come inside too. Something was off; I decided to go for a good walk with d/n and then make breakfast. I put d/n on the leash and took my jacket and keys. The whole neighborhood was still on edge because of the murder of my best friend. Many theories went around trying to see who the killer was.

Some theories said it may have been b/n's significant other, and some noted that it was a random murder. But the evidence state clearly that it wasn't an accidental murder and it was a planned attack, at least in the eyes of the cops. And due to the injuries, they could kind of place on when it happened and how the episode went. I got stuck in that thought again, and I was brought back to reality by someone tapping me on the shoulder.

I looked back and saw the very familiar figure behind me. It was Jeff, his face hidden as per usual. When d/n looked back and saw Jeff, they ran at him, barking and gritting their teeth. I pulled on their leash to hold them back, and Jeff took a step back to avoid d/n.

"d/n, for fucks sake !!"

D/n just kept pulling on the leash until you raised your voice, and after that, they walked to you and stood right in front of you. Kind of like they were trying to protect you from... Jeff.

" I am so sorry, Jeff. I don't know what has gotten to d/n; they have been barking at nothing all day."

" It's alright."

He said, his voice emotionless and monotone as per usual. I looked at him; I somehow managed to see him as a friend almost. I smiled at him and started to walk again, and he walked beside me.

" So, where are you heading, Jeff?"

"Nowhere, I don't know. I came to see you."

" You came to see me?"

" That's what I just said, you seemed very sad yesterday, and I wanted to make sure that you are okay, I guess."

"Oh, thank you. My father is away today, so if you want to, you can spend the day with me."

The Rose Of Death ~~ Jeff The Killer X Gender Neutral ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now