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A tap on my window suddenly woke me up; I opened my eyes ever so slightly but stayed still in my bed. Then there was another tap and then yet another tap on the window.

I sat up in my bed and I looked out the window, it was still slightly dark outside, but the sun was starting to rise, painting the sky's line almost pink. I looked at my window and saw a small package sitting on my window; I got up from my bed and opened the window to take the small box inside my room.

As I placed the box on my bed, I heard a commotion from outside; it was my dad saying something to the neighbor. I didn't bother to look but focused on the small box in front of me.

It was wrapped in blue paper, and it had a red string made into a bow on top of it. I sat on the floor with the box in hand; who could have given this to me?

I shook the box gently, and I heard whatever was inside moving around. I pulled on the bow, and the string came undone; as I tore the paper open, I noticed that it was an actual wooden box inside of the article. The package was unique and had the initials JW on top of it.

I opened the box gently, and there was a folded piece of paper, a candy bar, and a ring. The ring had a rose carved onto it, and it had my initials carved into it; I started to undo the folded paper on to see that the piece was empty.

I smiled to myself while looking at the small box and the ring. Both of them were self-made and pretty. My moment was broken by my room's door swinging open; it was my dad.

"I'm going to the bar with the neighbor; his son is gonna come here until we come back."

He said, his voice quiet yet so clear. Before I could say anything, I saw the boy walk next to my dad and wave at me as he stepped into the room. He was tall, pretty skinny, and his hair was light brown and short, and he had bright blue eyes, and he wore glasses.

The boy sat on the edge of my bed as I saw my dad walk out the door frame and towards the front door.

"There's some food in the fridge, don't do anything dumb."

He yelled at us before leaving and locking the door. He was going to be gone for a while by the looks of things, but I don't blame him for that. It was pretty early still, and I was still wearing the clothes I wore yesterday.

"I'm Simon."

The boy said as he looked at me. I smiled at him.

"I'm y/n; it's nice to meet you, I guess."

I said as I stood up from the floor and picked the stuff up from the floor and put it away. Simon looked at me as I was doing this; he was just as bored as I was.

"Wanna go to the store and grab something to eat?"

I said as I looked at him.

"Didn't your dad say he left some food for us"

"Yeah, he did. But seeing that he will get drunk today, I think we should leave that food for him."

"Sure, let's go."

He said in a very bright manner as he stood up and started to walk after me through the hallway. I grabbed the keys and my wallet, and we left; we walked silently until he decided to break that silence.

"I'm not a big fan of stairs. They're always up to something."

I looked at him before I started to laugh. The poor guy was trying to get a conversation going; they might as well make the most of it.

He laughed at his dumb joke for a while before I stopped laughing since we were approaching the store. As we were at the store's parking lot, he seemed to think.

The Rose Of Death ~~ Jeff The Killer X Gender Neutral ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now