Blood boiling jealous

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I woke up to my dad shaking me awake; I opened my eyes and looked him in the face while I was still asleep.

"Y/n where is d/n!?"

I rubbed my eyes, and it took a minute to realize what he had said.

" What do you mean? I left them in the living room."

" Well, d/n isn't in the living room."

I got out of bed and ran out of my room; my dad was following me. I started yelling for d/n, but they didn't show up; I went outside and ran around the whole outside area, just looking for them or any sign of them. I only saw footprints on the ground, but they could have been anyone's footprints.

After searching for almost two hours, my dad left to go and see through the dog shelter to see if d/n would be there. But they were nowhere to be found.

I saw his car pull into the driveway, I had been running around the woods for the past few hours, and I was exhausted, upset, and worried. He looked at me and shook his head; he seemed genuinely upset about this situation as well. He walked up to hug me, but I pushed him away and ran to my room, and I slammed the door shut. I leaned on the door, and I just wanted to scream and cry, but I knew that there was no chance that d/n would be found.

I sat in silence, and suddenly I heard my dad talking on the phone with someone.

" Yes, d/n went missing today, and y/n is distraught about this situation."

"No, we won't do that. I don't want to cause them any more harm; times have been callous for them.... "

"Yes, I understand that, but why would you want to do that? Everything is falling apart for them, so suddenly I don't want to do tha-"

"Calm down; you can talk to them if your situation desperately wants to tell them that"

Then it went quiet; then I saw my phone lit up, and my ringtone rang. I got up and walked to my desk, where my phone was. It was my mom; I picked the phone up and looked at it for a moment before pressing the green button, and the call connected.

" Hey y/n"

"Hey, mom... Why are you calling me so suddenly."

"I just called your dad, and I heard what happened recently, I am so sorry, and I hope things get better soon, dear"

"Okay, thank you."

"But your dad and I talked about something else; we thought that it would be the best for you if you moved in here. You could spend time with your siblings and me and get away from the bad things-"

"No, thank you."

"But y/n, it would be the best for you right now. After all, do you remember what happened the last time-"

"I said, no thank you... I appreciate your wanting to help, but I don't need it right now. I gotta go."

"But y/n -"

I hung the phone up; I knew deep down that she was only thinking about my beat and my well being, but you couldn't shake the feeling of her just wanting to prove another sick point.

I put my phone on my table, and then I heard a slight tap on my window, I turned around rather quickly, and I saw a rose. A red rose.

I walked to my window and opened it; I took the flower in my hands and looked at it. The rose's pedals were red, and the flower smelled good, the spikes on the root poked me slightly, but that was the least of my concerns. I walked to my counter and put the rose in the pot I had in the room, where the other roses were.

The Rose Of Death ~~ Jeff The Killer X Gender Neutral ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now