A start of a new story

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~that was the end of an old story... and the start of a new one~

I wake up to my dog licking my face. I open my eyes, only to see my dog's face next to mine. I smile, and my dogs let out a small bark.

I sit up on my bed and look at the clock that is on my wall.

It was only 6.30 am. My school day will start in two hours, so I had to get up. I leave my room and walk down a hallway. My dog follows me on every step. I smile at this and continue to the kitchen.

I saw my father in the living room. He is watching the news on tv.

"Good morning! "

"Good morning, y/n; how did you sleep? "

"It was okay; I didn't sleep much last night, to be completely honest. But thank you for asking"

"That's good to know, y/n."

I walk past him and to the kitchen. I open the fridge and grab something small to eat. I bring my food to the table and then go to the cabinet where the dog food is and fill the dog's bowl, and get some new water in another bowl.

I ate my breakfast and looked out the window, it was raining, and the ground was very muddy. I finish breakfast and put the dishes into the sink. I walk back to my room and change my clothes.

In my room there is a photo, it's of my family before my parent's divorced. It is a picture of me, my four siblings, and my parents—good old times. Being the middle child is very challenging at times. My siblings live with my mother, and I get to see them from time to time.

I change into some warm clothes and get my jacket and go to the front door.

" D/n (dog name), Come here; let's go for a walk! "

Your dog runs to you, and you put the leash on them and take your key and walk out the door.

The water drops fell onto your head as you walked outside. D/n was very excited and started almost running in the rain if the leash wasn't stopping them. They would have probably run to the nearest puddle and stayed there.

You began the walk; you usually walked to the nearest park and walked around it once and then went back home. So you could get home in time before school starts. You did that today too.

You stepped into a puddle, making the water come through your shoes and making your socks wet, and that made you uncomfortable immediately.

You quickly wanted back home, so you took the more shortcut home, which was to walk through the park. As you did this, the rain got much harder, and the drops fell more quickly down. Luckily you had managed to grab an umbrella from the porch since your das had left it there for you earlier.

Walking through the park, you noticed someone sitting on the bench. It was weird since it was frigid and still a bit dark outside. You looked at the stranger and saw that he was wearing a white hoodie and black jeans. His black hair was wet and dripping water as he leaned toward the ground.

You got closer to the stranger and closer. Then suddenly, you noticed that you were standing an arm's length away from the stranger. And yet, they didn't notice you at all.

"Excuse me"

You said as you held your umbrella and the dog's leash in the other arm. The stranger didn't look up at you, but he lifted his head slightly. Signaling that he heard you.

"What do you want."

A very deep and raspy voice said back. You took a deep breath and spoke.

"I just wanted to make sure everything was alright. It's unusual to see someone in this weather and this early outside. Here, have my umbrella."

The Rose Of Death ~~ Jeff The Killer X Gender Neutral ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now