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This chapter is going to be pretty short so sorry about that in advance :/

So ....... this chapters faith was chosen by my best friend SvetaToast
After I gave them a LOT of context on this chapter, they made ethe decisionof one of the characters. Go follow her on here and check their books (they're such a talented when it comes to writing, like daaaaamn) so u can blame her for this chapter :'D

 Go follow her on here and check their books (they're such a talented when it comes to writing, like daaaaamn) so u can blame her for this chapter :'D

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⚠Warning: suicide⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠

I walked back towards my house, knowing that I would most likely either climb back in through the window or face my parents. And to be completely honest I would rather jump in a ditch rather than face my parents righ now, due to the events that had just happened. They both became very very numb and I understood that completely but they seemed to have forgotten that they still had another child, aka me to take care of.

I in the end decided to sneak in back through my still open window, as I climbed inside of the house as quietly as i physically could which failed completely. I stumbled on my steps and fell over, footsteps came from out of the hallway and my father swung the door to my room open. His face looked like he had been crying for hours by now, he looked at me and I looked at him. He then without a word looked away from me and closed the door. He walked away from the door and back into the living room area.

I was left in my room, in the darkness of my room to think about what had just taken place in the park and overall in my life even more, I really wish I could have someone. Really anyone just to hug and to hold, fuck even Jeff would be good right now. I felt so alone and so hopeless in this situation, I didn't know what to do other than being silent.

And as I thought about that I heard my father let out a blood curdling scream. He screamed my mother's name, I got off of the floor and ran down the hallway and saw him at the doorway to my older sisters room.

He was standing in the doorway, staring into the pitch black room, I walked closer to him. He heard my footsteps and looked at me, his face was white and in pure fear. I walked closer to the door and then saw my father shake his head and walk towards me.

He forcefully took my hand and lead me out of the area and gave me a phone, he tried to protect me from the sight. Which was the right thing for him to do, but I kinda had a feeling that something terrible had happened to my mother in that room.

" call help"

Was all he could say before he returned to the open door of the room, as the dispatcher answered I went to give the phone to him and as I did this I saw what was in that room.

I saw my mother, hanging I the room from the light that was in the room. I looked at the sight and everything went silent around me. My world was completely frozen in place and there was nothing that I could do about it.

I snapped out of it when I was back in my room, all alone. I stood up and that's when I saw the ambulance outside along with a cop car, as i stared out the window I saw a black bag being wheeled to the back of the ambulance. I heard talking from downstairs and the door closed.

It was silent, almost painfully silent in the house and that's when I decided that it would be for the best for me to just to go to sleep for now. I was still wearing my day clothes but it didn't really matter at this point anyway. I layed on my bed for what felt like hours untill everything slowly faded to darkness, but not until I heard my window make a small noise. Probably the branch hitting it again.

As I finally fell asleep I felt peaceful as I was in more of a safe and stable place. Reality had become a nightmare that I had to live in for the moment, everyone I seemed to love has either died or disappeared. What the hell is going on.

The Rose Of Death ~~ Jeff The Killer X Gender Neutral ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now