The start of a nightmare

254 9 18

y/n pov

I woke up to a tap on my window; I ignored it. I remembered what had happened yesterday with the branch hitting the window. Somehow I managed to fall back asleep.

I woke up around 9 am, and it was a rather dark day today from the looks of it. I walked into the kitchen with d/n following me. In the kitchen, I saw my dad sitting, talking to someone. When I walked closer, I realized he was talking to a police officer.

I walked into the kitchen, with d/n with me, and the attention was darted into em

"Oh, good morning, y/n."

"what's going on?"

You asked. The officer spoke.

"Could you please take a seat? We have to figure something out."

You sat down next to your dad.

" So is it right that b/n was with you here last night?"

" Yes, they came here around 3 pm, and they left at half past 10. I asked them to text me when they got home, but they never texted me."

The officer wrote all of that down.

" Is everything okay?"

The officer looked at me and looked at my dad. The officer sighed and spoke again.

" I am very sorry to tell you, but b/n 's body was found in a ditch. They were covered in stab marks. A deep slash wound to the face, a stab wound to the back, their throat was cut open, and they had been stabbed.... many times to the chest."

I looked at the officer, and I didn't realize it, but tears were rolling down my face. I busted into tears; this couldn't be happening. They were just fine when they left. My dad pulled e into his arms as I cried and cried. I had known them for more than half of my life, and for someone to take their life away brutally disgusted me.

" We need to go to the police station to question you more. "

We then left for the police station, where everything was asked.

I was in the car, my dad was driving, and the music wasn't playing. It was silent; I felt almost numb from the pain and loss. As we arrived home, I went into my room, my dog followed me, and I closed my door when d/n was in the room as well.

I sat on my bed and just looked down; this was horrible.

"y/n. I ordered us some food. The food will arrive in 30 minutes; if you need me, I'll be in the garage working on the car."

"Okay, thank you."

He tried his best to make you smile and feel better, even for a moment.

Then I heard a tap on my window, this time, I knew it was a tap and not the branch hitting the window. I looked to my window, only to see two roses on the window crack. I got up and took them.

One of them was a regular red flower and the other one .....looked weird; the color on it was a bit off, and it had a peculiar, almost metallic smell. I went into the kitchen to grab some water and a vase. I placed the two new roses and the one that b/n had found on my window. I put the vase on my desk. (This idea came from a dear friend of mine SvetaToast, u should check out her book, 's she is a very creative and a very talented person)

My dog then suddenly barked while looking out the window. I looked at the window and saw absolutely nothing outside. It was probably some animal on the tree that caused d/n to bark.

The food soon arrived, and for the rest of the day, I just lay in bed. I went to take a shower, and to be honest, it was relaxing. To have the water hit my skin and the sweet smell of the shampoo. As I got into bed, my mind was quite empty from everything that had happened.

I woke up in the middle of the night again; I felt restless. I may have to take another walk; they always seem to calm me down. It was around 1 in the morning when I put extra clothes on and decided to leave through the front door as usual. But this time, you noticed something on the kitchen table. It was a note and on top of that note was a pocket knife.

" I know that you will be going outside at night tonight too. Please take this knife with you; I don't want you to get hurt.

- Love, dad"

I smiled, took the knife and put it in my pocket as I took the keys and left.

It was pitch black outside, the only light being the street lights. I decided to go and sit in the park to catch some fresh air. I saw the bench and walked closer, only to see that someone was already sitting on it; it was the same guy who had walked with you from the store to home two nights ago. I decided to sit there still.

I sat down, and the stranger turned to look at me and then looked away. I threw my head back slightly and breathed out gently.

" what's up, y/n? It's very late."

" I just needed to clear my head a bit, I guess."

" Is everything okay?"

He asked me, he wasn't looking at me, and I wasn't looking at him either. I started to tear up a bit once again.

" No, I am not okay. I was told that... someone had killed my best friend. Only if I could have done something to prevent that from happening "

He sighed a bit as he sat up and looked at me. He reached his hand onto my face and ever so gently wiped a tear down that was rolling down on my face. This was very strange since he was a stranger.

" Do the police know who may have done it?"

He asked, his voice had no emotion whatsoever

"No, not a clue."

He leaned back on his part of the bench.

" That's too bad, I guess."

" thank you for listening, Jeff. But I need to go home before my father gets worried about me, and if I may ask, how old are you?."

I said as I stood up; he stayed silent before he spoke.

" I just turned 15 a few months ago."

" Oh, we are the same age too. I turned 15 last week."

I said, he stood up from the bench and he started walking into the forest behind the park.

" Goodbye y/n"

" Goodbye, Jeff. Have a good rest of the night."

And with that, I left to go and get back home. I entered the house, took my shoes off, and left the keys on the hook.

I went into my room and put back on my night clothes, and went to bed. The branch was slightly hitting the window, but I fell asleep.

The Rose Of Death ~~ Jeff The Killer X Gender Neutral ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now