Broken parts

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I lay wide awake in my bed; I couldn't get any more sleep. What the fuck was going on, and what the fuck should I do.

I slowly got up from my bed; I saw the rose was in the pot and that on the floor was a blood stain..... What the fuck just happened. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a wet towel, and started to wipe the blood from the floor. I don't want my father to see the blood and get even more worried; he has a lot to deal with already.

I went to wash the towel, and passed a mirror in the hallway; on my forehead, there was a red mark on the exact spot where he had kissed me, and on my cheeks, I noticed bloody lines coming to a smile. Then I remembered that we kissed last night, and I remembered the cuts on his cheeks.

I got a paper towel and wiped the marks from my face. I sighed as I looked in the mirror; my father was still spending time somewhere. He had just lost his oldest daughter, and he was also going through a lot, and I didn't want to worry him even more. I changed my clothes to something more comfortable, and I went to make myself breakfast; due to the fact that I had stayed up all night, I was tired but at the same time very much wide awake.

I made something small to eat, and all of a sudden, I heard something from my room. It was a tap on the glass window, I know by now what it was, and did chose to ignore it. It's better if I stay away from him for the time being; I need to find out more about him until I can choose what my next move would be with him. The fact was that I was pretty irritated and scared by his behavior. I thought that he was my friend but apparently not.

I sat down on the couch in the living room and turned on the TV; I switched through the channels. Some didn't work at all, and some showed just some boring crap. After a few minutes of searching, I ended up choosing to watch a documentary that was on one of the channels.

A few hours passed, and I fell asleep on the couch. I woke up a few hours after that, and it was already late in the afternoon by then. I heard someone walking in the kitchen, and when I looked and saw that it was just my dad. I was relieved as hell. He looked distraught.

"Go to your room y/n."

He said in a cold, monotone voice; I got up from the couch and walked to my room. I saw that there was a rose on my window, but I just closed the curtains and made sure that my window was locked. I didn't feel like talking to anyone right now; my life was starting to fall apart one by one.

First, my best friend, then my dog, and now my sister has died or disappeared. It's like there is some sort of a curse on me. A small noise cut off my thoughts from the living room; it was probably just my dad walking around. I took a deep breath, and suddenly, something caught my attention; it was a horrid smell. Like a metallic smell, but at the same time, it smelled like something dead. I looked around my room for any clues on what may be the cause of this smell.

After looking around the room for a bit, my eyes caught onto the vase in that I had put the rose's that were left on my window. I approached the vase with slight hesitation and looked at the roses; some of them had their petals become a darker shade of red which was due to the lack of water that they had. But two of them were odd looking.

I took one of the roses; the petals were dark brown. I smelled the rose and stepped back and threw the rise in disgust. The smell was coming from the rose, and I put the piece together and just looked at the vase.

I took the vase and walked to the living room, but I stopped when I saw my father. He had his head in his hands, and he looked exhausted; he then lifted his head and looked at me.

" Didn't I tell you to stay in your room"

I knew that tone of voice, and I knew it was best if I went back to my room and stayed there, and stopped bothering him. Although I did walk to the kitchen and take some food, I decided to leave the rose's there.

I sat in my room, looking up at the ceiling. My head was hurting very badly; I had been just looking at the same spot for what felt like a few hours now. What was going on in my life right now? Why were these horrible things happening to my family and me.

I felt rather empty in a strange way that I couldn't describe. I sat on the edge of my bed, just thinking about what I should do. My mind was blank almost I wanted to run off and never look back and escape whatever was happening around me, but I knew deep down that I couldn't do that. I had no one to go to since my mom too, was now staying at our home, or she was supposed to at least.

Just as I thought about that, the front door opened, and I could hear my mother's voice saying something to my father, they had divorced years ago, but the loss of their oldest daughter forced them to be near one another. I couldn't help them; even if I wanted to, the best I could do was to stay the fuck away from everyone.

Then an idea came into my head, and I knew immediately that it was a dumb idea, but I had nothing to lose. I would go outside, into that park nearby and wait and see what would happen. I decided to pack some more minor things into my jacket pockets, such as my phone, keys, wallet, a chocolate bar, a flashlight, and a knife. I knew this was dumb and I would have to leave through the window to avoid my parents.

I opened my room's window and climbed outside, it was almost dark out, and it was getting quite cold as well. But I walked to the park and sat on the bench that was there, and I just waited. I carved some random things into the bar while waiting until I heard something behind me. I looked back, and there was nothing, but I swear I heard something. I stayed where I was, but I kept my ears open and focused on every slight sound that was in the area; I wrote my first name's initial on the bench and carved half of a heart around it. It was just something that I did at that moment and what felt right to do.

I heard yet another footstep, now closer to me, and I immediately froze in my place when the footsteps became louder and closer to me. I looked behind me only to see a figure; I immediately recognized him...... it was Jeff. Jeff was a creep, and I had a reason for my actions.

I stood up and started walking in the direction away from me and back to my house while looking back every few seconds.

The Rose Of Death ~~ Jeff The Killer X Gender Neutral ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now