Seeing the death of a tribute

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I wake up and look around. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. I was lying under a big tree and hidden under a tent of leafs. Who had helped me?

I needed water. My mouth was so dry and it felt like I had a fever. I roll out from my hidingplace and try to get up on my legs. It was pounding with pain and my head acched. But I needed water. I grab my bag and start walking. I wasn't really that good at sneaking but I did my best even if my leg was hurt. I take of the fabric that was tied around my head and put it in the bag. I must just have got a small hit in the head cause I couldn't feel the blood I thought I felt before.

I could see the lake now. It was streaming like a river now and it would not be easy to get over. But then a spiere hit the ground a meter from my feets and I throw myself behind a tree.

My heart was beating as a rabbits and I take a glance out towards the direction where the spiere had come.

"Come out, come out! I know you're there!" A girls voice say and I press myself to the tree. I was not in the shape of fighting now but I had two knifes in my bag. I try standing up and lean to the tree. Then I take a look at where the girl was. It was Sarcha, the girl from seven. I grab the knife in my hand and look out from my hidingplace. But she sees me and start throwing small knifes in my direction. I hide behind the tree but hear how she is coming closer. She was laughing.

I take a run through the trees as fast as I could with my leg. But one of her knifes hit my bag with a hard hit and I fall down to the ground. I fight to get up but I didn't have my strength. She caught my ancle and Now she was standing over me and i turn around to face her. She is holding her knife in one hand and is about to hit it in my face. In panic I grab her hands and try pushing her away. My heart was beating faster for every second and I was almost screaming of fright.

"Think you can escape huh?" She say and laugh. "I was born in this sort of climate. You can't run from an eagle." She say and try pushing her knife towards my face.

I was so terrified. How would I be able to fight her?

"No! No please!" I say but she only laugh. Then she take a glance at my leg and raise her eyebrows before she put her own leg on it and start pressing on the wound. It was hurting and I was screaming at the same time as I fight to get her off.

"Please stop!" I scream and cry. but she laugh and her knife slowly strike on my cheak. I could feel how my blood slowly started it's way down my cheak and I could feel the taste of blood in my mouth.

"See? This is so easy." She say and laugh. "You didn't think you could win did you?" She say and I see her evil eyes starring into mine and I was almost on my way to let go and face the death.

But then she is being hit with a knife in her back and I can see how the life is slowly being taken away from her green eyes before she just fall down over me. The canon sound and I fight to get her off of me while I try to control my breathing. I was shaking and crying. But I couldn't get out a sound. Whoever killed her could be after me.

I push her heavy body away from me and then someone lifts me up from the ground and hold me. I was more scared than ever and I look up to find two lovely green eyes. I only grab the person closer as I noticed who it was.

"You are safe now Ashleen!" Fergus say and pull me into his cheast. I was just crying now and I pressed myself to him. This was to much.

He didn't say anything. He lift me up in his arms and carry me away. I was holding my hand over my mouth not to make so much sound. I looked over at Sarcha. She was just lying there. Her eyes were still open and the knife was stabbed in her back. The eagle was dead. I had for the first time since my mother, seen death with my own eyes.

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