A new friend

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I was home. In our house in district eight. Only one person was there.
"Mom?" I say with a big smile and walk up to her. She was as beautiful as a flower.
"Yes Honey?" She say and put her palm on my cheak as she always does. I put my own hand on hers and breath in the smell. But it didn't smell like I thought.

It smelled blood. Pure blood.
The door to the house is being flung open and peacekeepers are running in and grabbing my mother to carry her out.
I wouldn't let her go but one of the men hit my arm and drag her out before I can stop them.

I was now standing on the square of my district. I could see a peacekeeper holding a gun towards my mother. I run as fast as I can. I didn't want this again. I knew this story. The story of how my mother died. They killed her. They killed her for nothing! She only needed food for her family. I reach the peacekeepers just as the gun is being fired.
"No!" I shout and grab my mothers body falling slowly to the ground.

The peacekeeper were gone and I was all alone. She is lying in my arms and looking at me. Smiling. But then the place around us is transforming and I was back in the arena. I wasn't holding mom anymore. I was holding Sarcha. Her evil grin was looking at me.
"You know you're not gonna win this. Look at you! You can't even defend yourself." She say and grab my leg.

I wake up sweating and fighting for my breath. I was burning hot and still freezing. Fergus runs up to me and hold me.

"You okay now. I'm here." He say and strike my hair.

"I just had a nightmare. I can't stay in here. I will die Fergus. I know I will." I say and a tear fall down from my eye. I could see him trying to push away the feelings but he just give me a kiss on the forehead.

"Go back to sleep. I stay here." He say and I lay down my head in his lap.

"Can you sing? That song you sang before?" I say and close my eyes.

"Sure." He say and starts singing. I loved that song. Fergus soft voice made me calm and I could go back to sleep again. But I could hear on his voice that he was scared too. We both knew this couldn't go on like this. But I didn't want to think about that. Never.

See there above the trees,
a world full of lighted stars.
Showing us where to go.
Showing us what we don't know.
Shut out the world, let your fantasy fly. Up to the world where stars shine bright. Up to the world with me tonight.

I woke up later. The sun was shining outside the cave and I turn to look at Fergus. He smiled and looked at me.

"Haven't you been sleeping?" I ask and he shake his head.

"You needed it more." He say and strike away a hairstring from my face. I crawled up to sit against the cold cave wall. I felt alot better.

"Your fever must have gone down." He say and start taking off the bandage from my leg.

The scar was seen but it wasn't as fresh and hurt as last day.

"I can barely feel anything." I say and touch the scar. I look at Fergus and smile.

"Thank you! For everything." I say and smile wide.

"No problem." He say and I try standing up. I could walk. It was amazing!

"We could need some food. Right?" I say and grab my bag and knife.

"Yeah. We have only eaten berries and plants for the past days and I could need som meat." Fergus say and follow me out the cave.

Just as we get out we hear a canon. "How many is there left?" I ask and look at Fergus.

"Nine I guess." He say and look away towards the top of the mountain.

Panem today, panem tomorrow, panem forever (a hunger games fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now