Ceaser Flickerman

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I wake up in the morning. I was lying in my bed covered in a blanket. Fergus must have carried me back after I fell asleep. This day wasn't a day I looked forward to. It was the interview and I was not such a good speaking person. But I would do my best and Clamonia told me everything about what to do and say.

I got dressed and went for breakfast. Everyone were looking at me as I sat down. I guess no-one could miss my panic attack last night. But I felt better now. I had talked to Fergus and I knew I would be alright as long as he was close.

All day was spent with my prepteam. My designer, Higard, had a better taste when it came to the interview. Now it wasn't gonna be a mega costume with big bows and golden lipstick and wigs.

I was gonna wear a purple mermaid shaped gown with a small bow on my left shoulder. I actually liked it. Atleast better than the last thing.

My hair was put up in a sort of bun in the back of my neck and my lips were soft pink.

"You look, stunning, love!" Higard say and dry away a tear from his eye.

"Thank you!" I say and smile. He was a sweet person, Higard, but he was a bit too much.

"Now! Go out there and show them how a real beauty look like." Higard say and give me a hug.

I had grown used to his hugs by now and I saw him as a small teddybear. He was short, or at least shorter than me, and he had a big body if to say so.

"I will. Thank you again. I really like this dress." I say and kiss him on the cheak. If I was still in district eight now. Kissing someone on the cheak would have been seen as a unpropper gesture. But here, in the capitol, it was only a way of showing the love to a small helpfull friend. And Clamonia had learned me everything about that, believe me.

"Oh wow! Ashleen!" It was Fergus. He was wearing a light blue suit with a black tie. His hair was perfectly lied and his green eyes were really shining.

"Well you are not so bad eather." I say and we both laugh.

We were standing back stage and saw all the other tributes.

They started with district one and climbed their way up.

The tributes were:

From district one, Mincho, a tall blonde boy with large cheakbones and seducing eyes with some sort of evil in.

Alba, The girl, was a light skinned girl with almost white hair. She looked cuter than she was. I had seen that on how she used a spier. But I guess she would get a lot of sponsers.

District two, Brutus, a dark boy with only his eyes showing his anger. I knew he was a person to watch out for. He was like a big grissleybear.

Then the girl, Cherry, had dark short hair and always wore a big grin. I could picture her as a vampire if those existed. But she was very good with the arrows.

District three had two younger tributes which i didn't really catch the names on. The girl had strawberry red curly hair and frinkles and the boy had brown short hair.

District four had two very good figthers. The girl Xena, had a very well trained body and very very long brown chestnut hair. The boy, Parcy, was also very trained but he looked really skinny and had a very long face which made him look like a fish. He had spikey black hair pointing upwards.

District five wasn't really a fighting district. They looked more like big question signs. It was like they didn't know how to knot their boots. So I didn't pay so much interessts in them.

The same with six. Dimia and Samson, They were not really all on for this and I guess they would be the first one to die in the arena. They didn’t seam to have something worth living for. They were both just looking at the others with death in their eyes like if they were already dead on their mind. I felt really bad looking at them.

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