panen today, panem tomorrow, panem forever

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A voice is saying something but I can't listen. A plane is coming to take me and the bodies.

But I wouldn't leave him. I just couldn't.

The peacekeepers had to drag me away and then Fergus body is lifted up in the sky and dissapears.

This was too much.

"You're murderers!" I scream and start hitting the peacekeepers that are trying to help me into a plane.

"You killed him!" I scream.

"You killed him!" I say again and break down crying. Someone is giving me some sort of injection and then I black out.

I wake up in a hospital bed.

I had some tubes in my arms and I drag them out. I sit on the edge of the bed just trying to get a grip on what just had happened.

I was alive.

I had lost my best friend and my first real love.

I had won the hunger games.

The door to my room is being opened and Cecelia comes in. She walks up to me and give me a hug.

"I am so sorry Ashleen. This is not what you deserve to go through." She say and sit down next to me in the bed.

"How am I supoced to live with myself after this?" I say. My feelings were all gone. I wasn't sad. I wasn't happy. I was just torn.

"I don't know. I'm sorry." She say and help me to get out of the bed.

They took me to the capitol and I met Higard and the rest of my prep team. They helped me look nice for the winners interview with Ceaser.

I didn't know what to do or how to not fall apart. I had found my ring in one of my pockets.

Don't lose hope

How would I not do that now? I was dead. I might be breathing but on the inside I was dead.

"You look a little off today darling." Higard say and look at me. I give him a smile.

"I must say I cried during the whole end scene. It was so sad when you had to see your friend die. I guess we all cried. That was just real love." Triffy say and keep on brushing my hair. All of them nods and continue. Maybe they had some feelings under all that hair and make up.

They all help me to the interview and then Ceaser send me out on stage. Most of the tribites used to smile after won. But I just sat there. I looked at Ceaser and the people cheering and shouting.

"Ashleen Riwendell! The winner of the 72nd Hunger games. How do you feel?" He say and turn to me.

I looked at him and answered just as I felt.

"Dead." I say and they all laugh. But I didn't see that as a joke. I was serious.

"Ah. You must be very excited. But tell me. How did you feel when you heard the voice telling that you were the winner?" He say and I look at Clamonia standing behind the stage. She had told me everything about how I was gonna answer. I could need her answers now. If I would answer with what I felt was true then there wouldn't be a great interview. I put on a smile on my face and look at Ceaser.

"It was magical! I would never have thought that I would win." I say and smile at the crowd.

Ceaser smile at me.

"How surpricing then. And what a dramatic ending. How you killed that girl and then ran back to the boy. How romantic wasn't that?" He say and turn to the crowd. They all shout.

Panem today, panem tomorrow, panem forever (a hunger games fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now